When God Speaks…

When God Speaks… There is a book titled, When Man Listens by Cecil Rose WHEN MAN LISTENS by Cecil Rose Everyone can listen to God. When man listens, God Speaks. When man obeys, God works. When men are changed, nations change. When is listening to God a good idea? Are times of trouble an appropriate time; or times of plenty? What about the in-between times? What about right now – is this moment an appropriate time to listen to the word of God? If we spend time, all the time,…


While We Were Sleeping…

While We Were Sleeping… Jesus said those that look upon another with a lustful eye have committed adultery. The act of adultery is not committed in the bedroom but in the heart, mind and soul. This is where we actually live. Since we are merely visitors of this world and our home is elsewhere would it not make perfect sense when we sin against God in our mind, our heart and our soul we are committing the act in earnest? We want it both ways, unfortunately, it doesn’t work in…


We Should Love More…

We Should Love More… As this global experiment enters into the next phase we are seeing more and more people standing up and speaking out. The overlords are not amused. How should we, as Christians, address what is happening with our world being stolen from us? Should we fight for our children? Should we simply move away from the window and pray? What would Jesus do? If we sit idly by and allow the satanic globalist to continue their global game martial law and allow our children’s future to be…



Somedays… Once in while we get shown the Light, in the strangest of places if we look at it right. ~Robert Hunter Somedays we have no idea our lives are going to change while others we know it will change we just have no idea the impact of the change. For example, marriage, we know the day and time our lives will change, it’s the degree of change that is in question. Death, on the other hand, could come at any time. We have no clue of what will happen.…


God Knows What Is In Our Heart

God Knows What Is In Our Heart Most of this life there has been a truth that can not nor will not be denied. Those that deny it are merely lying to themselves or have such a heavy heart they no longer have emotions – there would be very, very few of these people anywhere on earth. One of the greatest lessons that ever learned was something that was learned recently. “God is not surprised by anything.” So simple, and true, but easily overlooked and never comes to the fore.…


Implanted Word…

Implanted Word… Faith without works is dead… The passage above, from the Book of James, is pretty standard fare heard around any house of recovery. Praying and believing is one thing, living in the ways of the Lord is whole other thing. Being the only copy of the Good Book that some people will ever see carries a fair amount weight. If one goes around saying they are this or that, but their actions don’t line up with what they say, well, who are they…what are they? Remember that we…


A New Highway

A New Highway One of the greatest paragraphs that thine eyes have read was written in 1928. At the time it seemed like “happy words on a page”. Today, however, these words paint a picture of freedom, an image of a life well lived and shows what happens when a heart is softened by the love of God. Abandon yourself to God as you understand God. Admit your faults to Him and to your fellows. Clear away the wreckage of your past. Give freely of what you find and join…


The Reward of Sin?

The Reward of Sin? There is no reward in sin. If this sounds like a reward or a prize or something to achieve, well, good luck with that idea. Isiah 34 NKJV 1 Come near, you nations, to hear; And heed, you people! Let the earth hear, and all that is in it, The world and all things that come forth from it. 2 For the indignation of the Lord is against all nations, And His fury against all their armies; He has utterly destroyed them, He has given them…


“If These Should Keep Silent…”

“If These Should Keep Silent…” For if everything exists to lift You high, so will I If the wind goes where You send it, so will I If the rocks cry out in silence, so will I If the sum of all our praises still falls shy Then we’ll sing again a hundred billion times! ~Bethel Music When a person awakens to the glory of God there is nothing louder, there is nothing more joyous, there is no other moment in that persons life that will reign higher, that will…


Are The Times A Changing?

Are The Times A Changing? Come mothers and fathers Throughout the land And don’t criticize What you can’t understand Your sons and your daughters Are beyond your command Your old road is Rapidly agin’ Please get out of the new one If you can’t lend your hand For the times they are a-changin’ ~Bob Dylan, The Times They Are A-Changin If you know this song then it is understood the time frame in which it was first sang brought people together while ripping them apart. Just as the lines above…