Raise Our Hands, Fall To Our Knees… People drift in and out of lives all the time. Sometimes they stay for a visit, sometimes it’s a simple drive-by and other times they bring their baggage and stay a lifetime. Loving them all, learning from them all and, hopefully, helping them along the way makes for a far better experience as our visit in this foreign land grows and grows. Learning to be a great Ambassador for the Kingdom, not just an ordinary, “garden variety” Ambassador should be the goal. ABC…
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Power and The Powerless…
Power and The Powerless… What’s funny is when a person is completely engulfed in their sinful life they are under the misguided belief they are strong and powerful. We have a situation in our nation, right now, where a tiny group of people – really only about 50 total – are attempting to dictate to some 170,000,000 about how wrong they are and how the 50 know best. This is exactly how we act, as individuals, when are separated from God. Looking in the mirror, one morning, we see a…
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Change Direction… How do we decide the task of the day? Who’s in charge of our calendar? When do we know our work day ends or when / where our real life begins? If we seek, ask and knock does our Father not answer? Has He not provided us with the Holy Spirit and His only Son, Jesus Christ, to help us move easily through the task of our day? If we turn to the Father for direction and directions wouldn’t that determine what task make up our agenda? “Ask,…
READ MORESin and Not Sin…
Sin and Not Sin… Sin and the separation from God is always close by. We are one breath away from stepping closer or stepping away. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was a gift to the human race to deliver us from evil, the evil that lives in our hearts, that manifest in our minds and zaps our strength. It is when we love our God with all our heart, all our spirit and all our mind that we are alive in Him and He is alive in us. Whoever…
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Gratitude… Jesus lives in the pain. Having a posture of gratitude changes the way we see every aspect of life. Counting blessings – counting to ten when we are feeling pressure – not only relieves pressure it re-centers our heart, our mind and our Spirit. What happens, to some, is a total reconnection with God. What’s happened is we have lost sight of Jesus Christ and counting blessings clears our vision and opens space for Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to soften our hearts. Stress kills – blessings create…
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Birds Of The Air… The gifts that reign down from our Father can not be understated. We are blessed beyond measure and should desire to make much about spreading His good Word through the reflection of Him in us. A few weeks ago the sounds in my ears were that of city life – sirens several times a day, airplanes overhead, barking dogs, traffic, gun-shot, people being people creating the noise we are create in our daily lives, it was constant and rarely quiet. Today, when the window is open,…
READ MOREHaving It From The Beginning…
Having It From The Beginning… God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit have been with us since the very beginning. Breathing life into our lungs long before we arrived. We should give thanks for this simple blessing every day. We should remind ourselves of our sins, every day, by asking forgiveness of our sins, every day. We are sinners and we can not get around it. We will not awaken one morning to find we are no longer sinners – we will never, ever be perfect. The Son of God…
READ MORENo Lie Is Of The Truth…
No Lie Is Of The Truth… Is the Antichrist among us? You can count on it. Is he growing stronger? It would appear so. Do we have to bow down, standup or do anything? We have responsibilities to serve our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus, the Holy One. Anything that is not born of good that is attempting to speak into our heart, into soul or into our mind is to be rebuked in Jesus’ name. As a child of God, we hold fast to the Truth, we seek the…
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Walking the Talk… This phrase, “walking the talk” has been around a long time. Most, if not all of us, have heard it our entire lives. Never having understood who said it or where it came from was never a concern. It seems this is a Biblical saying from 1 John 2 Once a person claims to be follower of Jesus Christ, uses the language and attempts to speak as if he is a follower that person should live by those words. Now by this we know that we know…
READ MOREDry Bones Rising…
Dry Bones Rising… Help me, Father, with my unbelief. Wether a believer or not we, as human beings, for the most part love to be challenged. We love to help others and, for the most part, still know and understand that people are good and not intent on doing evil. Of course if you consume any amount of news covering current affairs one may think the whole world has gone crazy and is filled with evil people who are driven by the devil to destroy anything, anyone and everything in…