Think On These Things…

Think On These Things… Father of All it is by Your hand that all the stars are set into place. It is by Your Breath that all that is and all that is to come is made manifest. Without You, Father God, would be nothing. There would never again be anything. As our world continues to spiral into the abyss the need for our Savior, the Messiah, Jesus Christ is greater than ever. This world needs every Ambassador of the Kingdom speaking of His name, sharing the Good News that…


They May Have Joy Made Full…

They May Have Joy Made Full… When we pray it’s easy to simply ask for something, it is in the conversational prayer is where it becomes more of a challenge, at least up until now. After reading John 17 this morning the prayer that Jesus Christ offers is so beautiful, so in-depth and open with our Father it shows a way for us to have a conversation instead of merely asking for this or seeking that. Just laying bare, for the world to see and hear our love for God…


The Branch Can Not Bear Fruit of Itself…

The Branch Can Not Bear Fruit of Itself… The Vine is the only way that a branch can bear fruit. Rest in the Father, rest in Jesus Christ and rest with the Holy Spirit. We invite the Holy Spirit to our space, into our lives. Isn’t He already with us? Is this is a form of praise and worship? From over here, yes, it is praise, fear of the Lord and worship of our God. The One True God of all. Abide in Me, and I in you. As the…


God Is My Salvation…

God Is My Salvation… Having a clear heart can be tough. Keeping every thought captive is one of our biggest challenges. This is why Jesus addressed this issue in so many different ways. Similar to His addressing wine and lust. These three issues can be some of the bigger challenges that we face in our day-to-day life. Having His comfort and counsel in our days makes these issues easier to overcome. It is remaining in a posture of thankfulness and humility that helps us be more like Jesus and less…


His Own Vessel In Sanctification and Honor…

His Own Vessel In Sanctification and Honor… Who teaches us about our relationship with Jesus Christ? Where do we go for answers to questions that require guidance and direction concerning Godly situations? How do we proceed in any situation? Finally then, brethren, we request and exhort you in the Lord Jesus, that as you received from us instruction as to how you ought to walk and please God (just as you actually do walk), that you excel still more. For you know what commandments we gave you by the authority…


God Is With Him…

God Is With Him… When we come before God, give our lives to Him – give our lives to Him – we can see the Kingdom of God. We are anointed as an Ambassador of the Kingdom. We now carry a great responsibility. Do we live this responsibility? When we ask God, through Jesus Christ, we will find Him. We will become known to Him. We will become His son or daughter and we will seek after His righteousness. We can even come to Him in the darkest of nights.…


Be Holy…

Be Holy… Do we live holy lives? Are we walking in the full knowledge and light of Jesus Christ? Is it possible to achieve such a lofty height? When the devil invades our mind and we are triggered by one of a million, trillion things that happen around us we step out, maybe just for a nanosecond, we step out of the holiness of God. This is the difference between us flesh dwellers and Jesus Christ. While Jesus did walk among us, as man, He remained perfect, we, on the…


The Blind Made To See…

The Blind Made To See… Our wicked ways keep us from seeing the Truth, the Way and the Life. We are blinded by many things, many distractions the devil makes for us. We are so blind that our vision begins to flatter and we no longer see anything of value or worth. We see the sons and daughters of God as nothing more than cannon fodder, whores and tools or drug addicts, drunks, losers and a host of other devil inspired names. It doesn’t have to be this way. We…


It Is Always There…

It Is Always There… How many people have we seen suffering with addiction? Was it TV, exercise, chocolate, pornography, sex, work, food, sleep, alcohol, pets, cars, sports / football, drugs and the list goes on and on. How many people? We as followers of Jesus Christ are responsible for pointing this out. We are responsible for bringing this to their attention. We are responsible for loving them until they can love themselves. We are responsible for showing them how Jesus Christ has brought us back from the edge and given…


Our Changed Lives…

Our Changed Lives… Our tongue, the smallest member of the body, is the most reckless and the member that is most difficult to control. Our hands and feet are not difficult to control and, in comparison to our tongue, do little damage in our day-to-day movements. When our mind is not on God, which makes our heart to harden a little, then the tongue has no means of sounding like Jesus. If we don’t sound like Jesus how would people around us know we are followers. Sure the works we…