Unless It Abides In The Vine…

Unless It Abides In The Vine… When we produce good fruit others in our life want to partake and enjoy the sweetness that drips onto our shirt with every bite. Still others hear of this good fruit and come from near and far to find out for themselves about this fruit of the Vine that is a nectar like nothing in the area. Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide…


I Bear You Witness…

I Bear You Witness… The Truth can be difficult on people, even people that are following Jesus Christ. The Truth is the one thing that does not change, it is infallible and doesn’t belong to any one person but, rather, belongs to all people. It can be brutal at times and, other times, it can be as tender as a lamb. The Truth can make people uncomfortable when it comes to greet them at an inopportune moment. We all want to be free from our sin and live a godly…


We Were Powerless…

We Were Powerless… When we turn away from our life, when we admit our lives are a disaster because we have turned our back on God, this is the point in our lives that is the most significant. We look around and see nothing but wreckage, fires and carnage making up every aspect of our lives and we have no idea what has happened or how we got here. We hit a wall, we hit rock bottom or whatever makes a person understand what has happened but the fact of…


The Spirit Himself Bears Witness…

The Spirit Himself Bears Witness… When we turn towards God and away from sin we find a much narrower path to traverse. We don’t have to think about is coming up, what is around the corner or down the path, we simply walk in the hope of God. If we knew what was coming it wouldn’t be exciting or gratifying once we received it. All hope for a bright future, in the Lord, would be lost as hope only exist in the unknown. When we walk in sin we already…


I Have Given You An Example…

I Have Given You An Example… Do we receive those that come before us in the name of Jesus Christ? Do we believe they can show us the path they themselves traveled to be saved by Jesus Christ and filled with the Holy Spirit? If we receive them we will receive Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, if we do not receive them, we will not receive Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Most assuredly, I say to you, he who receives whomever I send receives Me; and he who…


The Breath Of The Lord…

The Breath Of The Lord… Our flowers always fade. We need the breath of God to renew us everyday. When we breathe in His Word we have life. When we turn away from the Word, the Breathe of God, we falter, we stumble, we are vulnerable to the enemy and the ways of the devil. We are as an open wound and the enemy, the devil, can simply move in and begin wrecking everything. The voice said, “Cry out!” And he said, “What shall I cry?” “All flesh is grass,…


If You Can…

If You Can… Sometimes we just need to pray. Sometimes prayer is the only answer to a situation that is happening in our lives. When we pray we believe. When we pray there is no question about our faith. When we pray there is no question about our belief. When we pray we are with Jesus Christ; we are feeling the presence of the Holy Spirit and we are connected to God. Our belief is not in question. And He asked his father, “How long has this been happening to…


You Would Go And Bear Fruit…

You Would Go And Bear Fruit… When we were children on the playground the teacher would assign a “captain” for teams. We would play dodgeball or softball or some other team game. The captains would pick their team. Each captain rotating for each pick. No one wanted to be picked last. Everyone wanted to be picked first or second as that would show the other children they were popular and well liked. At the end of the day it didn’t matter if you were picked first or last – you…


Striving After Wind…

Striving After Wind… The wise man’s eyes are in his head, but the fool walks in darkness. And yet I know that one fate befalls them both. ~ Ecclesiastes 2:14 NASB95 The wise man and the fool have the same issue. Both of them will return to the earth at some point. They both will perish. The same is true of the wealthy and the impoverished. We what we know and what we have become 100% meaningless when we are faced with our demise. Who is our Leader? Who are…


You Walk Through The Fire…

You Walk Through The Fire… We are made new in Jesus Christ does that mean we walk away from who we are? Yes. When we are born again and made into a new creature we have been changed; we have been made new again. We should act like it. We should be as little children and be completely dependent upon our Father, God Almighty through Jesus Christ who gave us the Holy Spirit. Does it hurt when we sin in our new life? Yes, very deeply. The more we sin…