There Won’t Be Any Winners Because The Status Quo Is Corrupt Everywhere

There Won’t Be Any Winners Because The Status Quo Is Corrupt Everywhere by Charles Hugh Smith for Of Two Minds Systemic corruption on this vast scale optimizes failure and collapse. Debating which nations will “win” as the global economy unravels is a popular but pointless parlor game. Since the status quo in every nation is deeply, profoundly, systemically corrupt, there won’t be any “winners,” there will only be losers. Apologists love to say that corruption has always come hand-in-hand with power, and this is superficially true. Once a centralized hierarchy…


Joe Biden And Kamala Harris Are A Legitimate Threat To America’s National Security And Safety

Joe Biden And Kamala Harris Are A Legitimate Threat To America’s National Security And Safety By Susan Duclos – All News PipeLine Turning The U.S. Into An International Laughingstock I would also like to note the “image” we are portraying to other countries by the  choices Joe Biden has made. One image says it all. Think what you want about transgenders, but remember that hostile nations look at the proudly displayed images like the one above, and the fact that this is who represented America at the French Ambassador’s residence…


Narcissistic Rage on the Left

Narcissistic Rage on the Left By James Lewis for American Thinker Different people have different emotional styles — a fact that is important today, because the Democrat party, which used to sound moderate, is now specializing in screaming rage. When New York gubernatorial candidate Lee Zeldin was nearly murdered by a knife-wielding thug the other day, we probably saw a direct result of screaming rage being broadcast, over and over again, by the Big Media.  We should not be surprised if this happens more often in this political climate. The woke left…


Trump Should Announce His Candidacy Before the Midterms

Trump Should Announce His Candidacy Before the Midterms By Ned Ryun for American Greatness Trump’s announcement and presence during the last two months of the midterm campaign would be a stark reminder of what was compared to what is. Former President Donald Trump should announce his election bid for 2024 on the Tuesday after Labor Day. Here’s why. Trump is an asset—and not, as beltway insiders like to assert—a liability on the campaign trail, especially in key Senate and gubernatorial races. Donald Trump revitalized a crumbling, corporatist Republican Party and began…


Judge Them By Their Fruit – What They Actually Make – Tucker Carlson

Judge Them By Their Fruit – What They Actually Make – Tucker Carlson Below is a series of videos recorded in Iowa and elsewhere. The first two are of Mr. Carlson delivering the Keynote Speech at a Leadership Conference in Iowa followed by two other videos of a speech that was delivered at a Leadership Conference in Hungary. All are worth your time. It is moments like this, in this type of speech, that makes me question, not Mr. Carlson, but the people that would call him controlled opposition. That…