How Does God Lead Us? by Shane Idleman Whether it is the Spirit leading or forbidding in the book of Acts, or the Spirit leading throughout Christian history, it’s clear that the leading of the Spirit is important. In the Old Testament, it appears that the Spirit of God could be withdrawn completely from people, whereas in the New Testament He seals us until the day of redemption (Ephesians 1:13-14). Refuel Your Spiritual Power Although the Spirit, the third person of the Trinity, won’t depart, we can quench and grieve…
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Georgia Guidestones Attacked – Massive Piece of #Satan Blown Back To #Hell
Georgia Guidestones Attacked – Massive Piece of #Satan Blown Back To #Hell What can be said other than this is a day to rejoice. The first image is the before – what was standing with all the instructions from the devil himself. The second is what happens when people begin waking up, not going woke, but actually waking up to the games of the satanic-globalist and their communist agenda. Nothing more needs to be said expect if you are not familiar with the Georgia Guidestones you should look it up.…
READ MORE‘It Started with the Removal of God’: How Atheist-Socialists Have Fought America from Within
‘It Started with the Removal of God’: How Atheist-Socialists Have Fought America from Within by Gary Lane for CBN News GNN Note – As I say in AA Meetings – when you kick Jesus Christ to the curb, bad things tend to happen. We should stay close to Jesus, not exile Him from our meetings, school, courthouse, jail, home and especially our lives. / END A French teacher dressed in drag, strutted his stuff before students at a Wisconsin high school. In Michigan, state attorney general Dana Nessel mocked conservatives during…
READ MOREAn Invasion of Texas Has Been Declared
An Invasion of Texas Has Been Declared Where this goes from here is going to be interesting. Are you prepared to defend the United States of America at the southern border? This is the reality of the #BidenBorderCrisis EVERY SINGLE DAY.#EndTheInvasion #ImpeachMayorkas #SecureTheBorderNOW — Rep. Chip Roy Press Office (@RepChipRoy) July 5, 2022 "We should declare an INVASION. We should, as Texas, turn people AWAY, and do what is necessary to secure our communities." More from Rep. Roy at today's #EndTheInvasion announcement: — Rep. Chip Roy Press Office…
READ MOREWhat can Christianity and Judaism teach us about good leadership?
What can Christianity and Judaism teach us about good leadership? by Rowan Williams, Irene Lancaster for Christianity Today In this latest installment of their Jewish-Christian dialogue, the former Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, and Hebrew scholar Dr Irene Lancaster explore what the two faiths have to say about good leadership. Rowan: We read a lot at the moment about the crisis of leadership that afflicts our society, not only in the UK but worldwide. Locally we have national leaders who seem to set little store by consistency and truthfulness, and a…
READ MOREWhy is the reality of the bodily resurrection of Jesus so central to the Christian faith?
Why is the reality of the bodily resurrection of Jesus so central to the Christian faith? from Compelling Truth The bodily resurrection of Jesus refers to the actual body of Jesus returning from the dead after three days rather than merely His spirit in some sort of ghost-like form. There are many reasons the bodily resurrection of Jesus is important. First, the bodily resurrection of Jesus affirmed and proved the divine nature of Jesus. If God is eternal, then He cannot die. If Jesus was dead and remained dead, then…
READ MOREGroup Says This Biblical Prayer Is the Catalyst to Billion Soul Harvest by 2030
Group Says This Biblical Prayer Is the Catalyst to Billion Soul Harvest by 2030 by Steve Rees for Charisma News From Baptists to Pentecostals and everybody in between, people who believe the Lord Jesus wants to save at least one billion souls by 2030 also say the prayer for unity in John 17:23 is a key to breakthrough and harvest before the return of the Lord. That is what is driving a diverse group of local, national and international believers to convene in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Four “greats”—unity, breakthrough, harvest and…
READ MOREWe Are Done With The NonSense – All People Are Done With Leftist, Communist Anti-Family Garbage
We Are Done With The NonSense – All People Are Done With Leftist, Communist Anti-Family Garbage Happy Independence Day, America… from the man occupying the White House Happy Fourth of July. America can be defined in a single word. — Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) July 4, 2022 For the past two years we the people have suffered mightily under the regime of the leftist gone crazy. A great many things that President Trump made permanent in this country, like the Supreme Court, more than 300 hundred federal judges and…
READ MOREWoman Dies, Meets Jesus Face to Face in Heaven, Gets Brought Back to Life: ‘She Wrote I-T-S-R-E-A-L’
Woman Dies, Meets Jesus Face to Face in Heaven, Gets Brought Back to Life: ‘She Wrote I-T-S-R-E-A-L’ by Cheryl Wilcox and Brigette Rock for CBN News On February 12th, 2018, Brian Hines called 911. Dispatch Operator: “Fire Department … what is the address of your emergency? Brian: “Tina! Please, Honey! I think my wife is having a heart attack! She passed out!” Dispatch Operator: “Listen, is she breathing?” Brian: “No, she is not!” Tina was unresponsive. Brian recalls seeing his wife’s body on the ground, “I’ve never seen anybody with their eyes…
READ MOREWhat does ‘hallowed be thy name’ in the Lord’s Prayer mean?
What does ‘hallowed be thy name’ in the Lord’s Prayer mean? from Compelling Truth When the disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray (Luke 11:1), He responded with what has been called the Lord’s Prayer, or sometimes the Disciples’ Prayer. Jesus’ model prayer began with, “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name” (Matthew 6:9). “Hallowed” in the original Greek is hagiazo and it means “to make, render, or declare as sacred or holy, or to mentally venerate or revere.” So when Jesus instructed His disciples to say…