10 Reasons Why We Need to Release the Church in the Workplace

10 Reasons Why We Need to Release the Church in the Workplace by Joseph Mattera for Charisma News In the early church, there was no separation between the clergy and laity. This separation happened when the church began to imitate Rome, and as a result, became an institution in the fourth century. Every believer in the early church was expected to be a witness for Christ. Most congregations met in homes and many had their place of business in the same location where they resided. Consequently, they used the workplace as…


Survey: Most Pastors Don’t See Deconstruction in the Pews

Survey: Most Pastors Don’t See Deconstruction in the Pews Aaron Earls – Lifeway Research via Christianity Today “It may be easier to find people in the midst of deconstructing their faith on social media than within churches.” A Lifeway Research study of US Protestant pastors finds almost 3 in 4 are familiar with the concept of deconstruction, and more than a quarter of those say people in their churches have deconstructed their faith. When asked how familiar they are with “the concept of an individual deconstructing their faith in which they systematically…


‘I Have Called You By Name, You Are Mine’

‘I Have Called You By Name, You Are Mine’ by Myra Kahn Adams for Town Hall Author’s Note: Readers can find all previous volumes of this series here. The first 56 volumes are compiled into the book “Bible Study For Those Who Don’t Read The Bible.” Part Two, featuring volumes 57-113, will be published later this year. Last week, a friend received a “Divine message” and I share it with her permission. The message she heard was from the Hebrew Bible — a partial verse from Isaiah 43: “I have called you by your name.”…


Encountering Storms Even in the Center of God’s Will

Encountering Storms Even in the Center of God’s Will by Shane Idleman When I came back to the Lord in my late twenties, one of the biggest surprises I encountered was that following God is not easy. We get sick and even go through financial, relational, emotional, and mental challenges. My life actually became more difficult, but a hundred times more rewarding. As I poured over the Word of God, I was constantly reminded that God is for us, therefore, who can be against us (Romans 8:31)? In short, nothing…


Christians should not be compelled to lie by using trans pronouns

Christians should not be compelled to lie by using trans pronouns by Paul Huxley for Christian Today GNN Note – We don’t feel compelled to use any words other the those have been used for hundreds of years. We are NOT playing along with anyones delusion. We will help anyone seeking help with a mental imbalance or otherwise, but we will not support living in a fairy tale. / END Should Christians use transgender pronouns? Some people think so, including some Christians that in other ways, I admire. My goal…


The War Against the “UnVaccinated” Revealed

The War Against the “UnVaccinated” Revealed The truth always comes out. What is hidden in darkness shall be shouted from the rooftops. Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops. ~ Luke 12:3 KJB Those of us that stood firm in our conviction to remain PureBloods will become heroes to future generations. Those that come after will know that a great many of us did not lay down…


What does the Bible say about Jesus as judge?

What does the Bible say about Jesus as judge? from Compelling Truth The Bible teaches that “God will judge the righteous and the wicked, for there is a time for every matter and for every work” (Ecclesiastes 3:17). It also says, “the heavens declare his righteousness, for God himself is judge!” (Psalm 50:6). God Himself reiterated His role as judge in Ezekiel 33:20 when He stated, “Yet you say, ‘The way of the Lord is not just.’ O house of Israel, I will judge each of you according to his…


What Is the Indwelling Spirit?

What Is the Indwelling Spirit? by Pat Robertson for CBN News When you come to Jesus Christ, you receive Christ into your heart. Jesus does not physically enter into your chest cavity and live there, but the Spirit of God comes and joins with the spirit of the believer. This is what is meant by the term “the indwelling Spirit.” His function is to reproduce the life of Jesus in the believer. He will manifest the fruit of the Spirit in the believer’s life. The nine attributes of Jesus that develop…


What I left out of my mother’s funeral sermon

What I left out of my mother’s funeral sermon by L. Roger Owens for The Christian Century GNN Note – My mom has been recently diagnosed with stage 3 pancreatic cancer. In my heart I believe she will opt for the shorter term pain of 6 to 9 months without chemo. She has already made mention of “assisted suicide”.  It is the most difficult time in my entire life. I give all praise to God for being here, close to her physically and Spiritually. Also all the honor goes to God…


‘Not Over By a Long Shot’: Professor Maligned Over ‘Superman’ Tweet Fighting Back, Says ‘Christians Are Sick of Being Punished’

‘Not Over By a Long Shot’: Professor Maligned Over ‘Superman’ Tweet Fighting Back, Says ‘Christians Are Sick of Being Punished’ By Billy Hallowell for Faith Wire Author and professor Sophia Nelson is sounding the alarm on increasing intolerance against Christians, warning in a recent op-ed that “Christians are sick of being punished for their views in America.” Nelson recently told CBN’s “Faith vs. Culture” about her own battle with cancel culture last year, when she commented on DC Comics’ plan to create a new, bisexual superhero. “On Oct. 11 last fall,…