Overcoming a Critical Spirit from CBN.com Learning to Give and Receive God’s Grace Do you judge others? Is it easy for you to find fault with those around you? Then beware: Your spiritual life is in danger. A critical attitude can hinder your walk with God and distract you from God’s purposes for your life. Why We Judge We judge because of our own selfish interests. For example, we sometimes become critical when comparing ourselves to those around us. We try to find fault in others to prove that we…
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50 Trump Allies Subpoenaed / Raided
50 Trump Allies Subpoenaed / Raided Smells like desperation from here. The communist are leaving no stone unturned in their attempts to keep President Trump from retaking the White House. Only assassination will stop that from happening. The FBI’s attempts to start a civil war are failing, as the people see through their nonsense, so the communist in the back-hallways of the White House, the Capital Building and the Pentagon are doing everything they can to arrest President Trump. Up to 50 Trump supporters raided across the country. .@pnjaban says…
READ MOREGod’s Transcendent Vision for His Church
God’s Transcendent Vision for His Church by Michael L. Brown for Ask Dr Brown The Church of Jesus – meaning, the community of believers worldwide, through all generations – is utterly transcendent. It has been purchased at the highest imaginable price – the blood of the Son of God – and it consists of hundreds of millions of redeemed men and women from every background and ethnicity and color. Those who are part of this blood-bought community live in every nation on the earth, yet their ultimate citizenship is in heaven.…
READ MORE100 Students Baptized as ‘The Spirit of the Lord Moved’ at NC School – The ‘Firestorm’ that Followed Couldn’t Even Dim the Joy
100 Students Baptized as ‘The Spirit of the Lord Moved’ at NC School – The ‘Firestorm’ that Followed Couldn’t Even Dim the Joy by Talia Wise for CBN News A North Carolina Christian School administrator says parents are “extending grace” after more than 100 students were baptized without their consent. Administrators at Northwood Temple Academy(NTA) in Fayetteville, NC said students spontaneously volunteered to be baptized after attending the school’s Spiritual Emphasis event, but they were not expecting the controversy that followed “We certainly weren’t expecting the firestorm to come from this,”…
READ MORESatanists Keep Dominating Headlines: What Do They Believe? Do They Really Worship the Devil? An Explainer
Satanists Keep Dominating Headlines: What Do They Believe? Do They Really Worship the Devil? An Explainer By Billy Hallowell for Faith Wire On the heels of a Pennsylvania school district allowing The Satanic Temple, a Satanist group, to host a back-to-school event, there’s likely a superabundance of questions surrounding what this particular organization believes — and about Satanism more generally. Do adherents believe in Satan? Do they actually worship the devil? What does it all mean? With stories like this increasingly popping up in the headlines, there’s some understandable confusion, particularly…
READ MOREJonathan Cahn: ‘Altars Must Be Broken’ for Worldwide Revival to Come
Jonathan Cahn: ‘Altars Must Be Broken’ for Worldwide Revival to Come by Shawn A. Akers for Charisma News Rabbi Jonathan Cahn says if there is to be worldwide revival in these end times, altars must be broken. He doesn’t mean literal altars—as there are in churches—but metaphorical altars that have infiltrated the lives of believers and non-believers alike and have transformed our culture into a den of iniquity. It’s part of the reason why he wrote his latest and perhaps his most important book, “Return of the Gods,” which releases today,…
READ MORELay support for woman ‘concelebrating’ Mass shows the extent of German apostasy
Lay support for woman ‘concelebrating’ Mass shows the extent of German apostasy by Andreas Wailzer for Life Site News GNN Note – It has “con” right in the name. Might be a clue. / END The Central Committee of German Catholics recently issued a statement in support of the woman, or women, in Switzerland who committed liturgical abuse by attempting to concelebrate Mass. It is scandalous enough that this grave liturgical abuse happened. However, if this abuse happened only in one place once, one could explain it away as an isolated…
READ MORENon-denominational pastors found to hold more biblical views – survey
Non-denominational pastors found to hold more biblical views – survey by Ryan Foley for Christian Today A new survey reveals that pastors of non-denominational churches are more likely to hold a biblical worldview than pastors belonging to all other denominations. The Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University released the seventh installment of its American Worldview Inventory Tuesday. The latest wave of research released builds on previous data that found only 37% of pastors hold a biblical worldview and analyzes the views of pastors by denomination. The survey is based on responses…
READ MOREHow is Jesus the first-born over Creation? What does it mean for Jesus to be the first-born?
How is Jesus the first-born over Creation? What does it mean for Jesus to be the first-born? from Compelling Truth Some have tried to deny the divinity of Jesus (i.e. that Jesus is God) by quoting a statement made by Paul in his letter to the Colossians that says: “He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation” (Colossians 1:15). The argument is that Jesus was created first of everything that was created, and if He is a created “thing”, He cannot be God. This argument,…
READ MOREWhy I Am Not a Christian
Why I Am Not a Christian By Bertrand Russell originally published 1927 GNN Note – Published as a historical view point. We are followers of Jesus Christ it is He that is our King of kings, Lord of lords and Savior of all. / END The Lecture that is here reproduced was delivered at the Battersea Town Hall on Sunday March 6, 1927, under the auspices of the South London Branch of the National Secular Society. It is issued in booklet form at the request of many friends. It should…