Abound In Our Hearts… Good morning Humble Servant of The Way. Father God, lay a hedge of protection around Your child. Father God, it is with a humble heart and on bended knee that we lift Your name above our lives and place Your name, Father God, in it’s rightful place of honor, glory and all praise over every aspect of this world. Let Your Light illuminate our path as we fully embrace heaven on earth. Thank You, Father God, for bringing heaven to earth so that we, your humble…
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Father, Be Every Heart Beat…
Father, Be Every Heart Beat… Good morning Bondservant of Christ Jesus, he that does greater works. Father God of Living Light who’s name we place above all things of this world, above all aspects of life and above our footsteps as we follow Your Way. Father God, we sing Your praises, we thank You for sending heaven to us and providing our daily Word. Father it is Your Living Word that satisfies the soul, it is Your Living Water that quenches the thirst in our heart and it is Your…
READ MORELet It Be Seen, Right Now…
Let It Be Seen, Right Now… Good morning Great Servant of Our Lord, Jesus Christ. Father God, on bended knee and hands raised up in reverence of Your unending Love for us, we sing praise for Heaven on earth. We raise Your name above all names, above all aspects of life and above all that has been, that is today and is yet to be. You, Father God, are Lord of All, forevermore. Father God, in the name of Jesus Christ, we seek not for ourselves but rather for Your…
READ MOREShouting From The Roof Tops…
Shouting From The Roof Tops… Good morning Great Servant of God, brother and bondservant of Jesus Christ. Together we shall sing praises to our Father. “Therefore do not be like them. For your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him. ~Matthew 6:8 NKJB Father God, who’s name we place over our lives, above all things of this world and all things that have been, all things that are today and all things that are to come, we thank You for bringing Heaven to earth to…
READ MORE“A New Treatment To Keep People from DYING from the C0>id Vax-cene”
“A New Treatment To Keep People from DYING from the C0>id Vax-cene” Why do we need a treatment to not die from taking the “like saving vaccine” promoted by Fau-Chi and Gates? Seriously. I'm sorry, say that again?pic.twitter.com/pR0BoUUj6B — TheM0dAlice (@TheM0dalice) October 3, 2021 Why do we continually have long term healthcare providers coming out and stating things like this? Erica.. nurse of 11 years is speaking out..🗣 pic.twitter.com/WWbLbhjsr2 — Pelham (@Resist_05) October 3, 2021 Meanwhile people are following Professors, who happen to be members of the Senate, into the…
READ MOREClose The Southern Border…NOW
Close The Southern Border…NOW These filthy, satanic globalist running our country into the ground, need to be arrested today. Don’t waste another minute, arrest them all right now. Our southern border is wide open and somewhere in the neighborhood of 400,000 invaders are on their way to our nation. The Biden admin is failing the American people by refusing to secure the border. We are on the verge of a critical supply chain crisis & being flooded with illegals. Hundreds of thousands are coming & aren’t forced to get vaxxed,…
READ MORESnuff The Darkness…
Snuff The Darkness… Good morning Bondservant of our Lord and Christ, Jesus. Blessings to you and yours. Father God, we lift Your name, and the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, over all, over our lives and over all that is to come. Father God, let us see and know that heaven is all around us, that You have brought heaven to earth for us to join with You in Holiness to receive the promises You have spoken to us. Father God, soften our heart so that we may be…
READ MORE“God Whispered To My Spirit”
“God Whispered To My Spirit” This is the email I just received with an update about Erik. Please pray and don’t stop until he is healed and back home. Oh what a wonderful great prayer warriors you are please don’t stop. 11 days ago Erik’s breathing severely declined and they called me to the hospital to say good bye. On the way there I was praying and God whispered to my spirit “my darling daughter I am the God of miracles. You are waking into a fire but know I…
READ MORECrisis Actors…When You Need A Lie to Become Truth
Crisis Actors…When You Need A Lie to Become Truth Crisis actors began showing up, in earnest, where we could actually see them for who and what they are, during one of the staged “terror attacks” in London. The whole thing was a set up from the police conducting an exercise to the real explosion that killed real people to having crisis actors on scene to provide the color commentary. Ads started showing up on Craig’s List and other platforms for protestors, staged exercises “so medical personal could train with real…
READ MOREWe Lay It All Down…
We Lay It All Down… Good morning Strong, Brave Warrior of Love. Peace be with you and yours. If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but do not have love, I have become a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. ~1 Cornithians 13:1 NASB95 Father God we humbly come before You seeking a softened heart and an open mind. Father God, if it is Your will make us clean, lift us up and strength our belief that You, and only You, are The Way, The Truth…