Love and Respect…

Love and Respect… One of my favorite former actors, Jon Voight, who played a pivotal role in the movie Deer Hunter – one of the most gut wrenching scenes ever created with Jon Voight and Christopher Walken. Here is what Mr. Voight is doing now the satanic globalist in hollywood have turned their back on his talents. Love and respect (part 1) — Jon Voight (@jonvoight) October 12, 2021 Love and respect (part 2) — Jon Voight (@jonvoight) October 12, 2021 Finally commentary from an insider as Archbishop…


Honey That Rains From Heaven…

Honey That Rains From Heaven… Good morning Blessed Warrior Walking in the Beauty of the Lord. May His beauty be seen in thine eye. Father God, it is with thanksgiving and praise that we bow before You in this day, the day the Lord has made! Father God, unleash the Angels of heaven that they may surround Erik, Christy and their family. Father God, as we lift Your name over our lives, over all the earth, we are humbled at having our mercies renewed every morning. Your great love for…


Let Me See Your War Face…

Let Me See Your War Face… As our current world continues to sway towards tyranny then back towards uprising it seems appropriate to have a mascot for the coming conflict. We are not hoping for nor do we have any desire for there to be a coming conflict but history dictates conflict, uprising and bloodshed will most certainly happen. How cute 🤣😂🤣😂❤🐶 — Spike1962 (@Spike19621) October 11, 2021 We are stating all of this for obvious reasons, but just in case a progressive liberal happens to wander out of…


An Offering…

An Offering… Good Morning Bright Star on the Horizon. May the Father of all, the Great, I Am, always go before you, beside you and behind you. Father God as our life unfolds before our eyes we look to You more and more each day. We raise Your name and the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, over our lives and over all the earth. Father God, all praise is to You and no other. Father God, let Heaven be seen in this world in the eyes of a child.…


Lies Being Exposed…The Truth Is Being Revealed

Lies Being Exposed…The Truth Is Being Revealed On Sunday October 10, 2021 Southwest airlines announced they had cancelled more than 1,000 flights due to weather and ATC (air traffic control) issues. The ATC issues didn’t seem to effect other airlines nor did the weather seem be having any effect either. When we saw this during a “news break” on TV last night we couldn’t believe what we were hearing. We knew immediately that it was a lie. The local news station was reporting from the airport and showing a flight…


From Hero to Zero…From Essential to Disposable…

From Hero to Zero…From Essential to Disposable… Welcome to what the satanic-globalist hope we will accept as the new normal. We at Gospel News Network do not accept anything of a “new” “normal”, we will not comply and we will not forget. There is nothing “new” about tyranny. There is nothing “normal” about liberal lunacy that is wrecking our country and our world. If you’ve not seen this video, this nurse puts the current state of lunacy in perfect context. She is not using ugly language,  she is not rude…


We Seek Your Comfort…

We Seek Your Comfort… Good morning Brother in Christ. May the Light of the Lord illuminate your heart and fill your soul. Father God it is with a humble heart that we cry out for Your guidance and direction. Father as we lift Your name over our lives and all of the world, we thank You for bringing Heaven to earth that we may walk in Your Kingdom. Father God, we sing Your praises, we shout with joy for the love You shower our lives. Father God, search our minds…


It Is Not A Lesson Taught In Vain…

It Is Not A Lesson Taught In Vain… Good morning Brother in Arms, my Brother in Christ. May the Lord lift you, strengthen you and hold you in this day, the day the Lord made. But the Lord has been my defense, And my God the rock of my refuge. ~Psalms 94:22 NKJB Father God, we are surrounded by Heaven, that You, Father God, brought down for us to have a glimpse of Your glory. Father God, when we cry out to Heaven all the Angels sing. We will not…


The Door of The Shepherd…

The Door of The Shepherd… Good morning Brave Soldier of Truth. May the Light of the Lord shine through your heart to illuminate the path of those around you. Father God, we lift Your name and the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, Emmanuel, above all things of this world. We place Your name over our lives and ask Your guidance for our thoughts and our actions in this day. We thank You, Father God, for the mercies made new in this day. We thank You, Father God, for paying…


7 churches of Revelation – Times Of Fire

7 churches of Revelation – Times Of Fire The letters from Christ to the 7 churches of Revelation teach us to wisely determine the times & to examine our hearts. Are you ready for Times of Fire? Join the Global Church Awakening & see this beautiful, impacting film on October 11 & 12. Get tickets: The letters from Christ to the 7 churches of Revelation teach us to wisely determine the times & to examine our hearts. Are you ready for Times of Fire? Join the Global Church Awakening…