Here’s Why Biogas May Be the Best Fuel for Preppers

Here’s Why Biogas May Be the Best Fuel for Preppers by J.G. Martinez for The Organic Prepper GNN Note – A couple of things I have read on multiple articles regarding biogas is the need for an older engine, preferably one still using a carburetor instead of fuel injection. Easier to keep clean and doesn’t clog the system as quickly. #END With the current situation in Venezuela, the people there may have to start looking for ways to get the fuel they need. Maybe it’s time they consider other alternatives,…


Un-American Activities Investigations – Weed Out Marxist Commies!

Un-American Activities Investigations – Weed Out Marxist Commies! by Ken Jorgustin for Modern Survival Blog GNN Note – Why haven’t the four junior communist members of Congress been arrested for sedition? My prayer is that if President Trump is allowed to remain President the first thing he does is arrest those 4 communist then deport and revoke citizenship of Omar and Talhib. Then go after George Soros, the same way Russia, Hungary and Poland all have done. #END Investigative Committee To Find Those With Communist Ties The House Un-American Activities Committee…


A Personal Letter to Stressed Out Preppers Who Are TIRED of This Apocalypse

A Personal Letter to Stressed Out Preppers Who Are TIRED of This Apocalypse from The Organic Prepper GNN Note – While I feel confident this is the case with many of our friends in the preparedness community, it is not the case with us here at GNN. We are refreshed, renewed and uplifted on a daily basis, and most days multiple times daily we are refreshed in the Lords strength, in our Lords wisdom and in our Lords love and mercy. Never, ever overlook the power of God, Jesus Christ…


Oxygen Absorbers For 5-Gallon Bucket Food Storage

Oxygen Absorbers For 5-Gallon Bucket Food Storage by Ken Jorgustin for Modern Survival Blog What size oxygen absorbers should you be using? Well this short post should help you out… When storing bulk dry foods like rice, beans, wheat, etc., a key factor for successful long term storage is to remove the oxygen from the environment. That’s what oxygen absorbers do. Here’s why to use them, and the size of the oxygen absorber you need. Oxygen enables bad things to happen to your food over time. These bad things include… – Spoilage…


How To Naturally Prepare Your Body For Cold & Flu Season in 4 Easy Steps

How To Naturally Prepare Your Body For Cold & Flu Season in 4 Easy Steps by SARA TIPTON for Ready Nutrition TDC Note – If you’re still not taking Liposomal Vitamin C and Vitamin D3 with a clean multi-Vitamin, well, good luck with that program. # END This year, cold and flu season could present all kinds of different issues with preparing your body to fight off illness. But these suggestions could help you naturally fortify your immune system even with everything else that’s going on. Having to plan for…


Pet-Ready Emergency Kit – What You Should Have…

Pet-Ready Emergency Kit – What You Should Have… by Ken Jorgustin for Modern Survival Blog GNN Note – Don’t leave your pet behind – it’s not nice and it will become a problem that someone else must deal with and they may not handle it in the manner that you wish. # END In an emergency, your pet will depend on you for their safety and well-being. So it’s crucial to prepare them like you would any two-legged family members. Surveys reveal that approximately 50 percent of people have not stocked…


In Chaotic Times, Is Self Defense Biblical?

In Chaotic Times, Is Self Defense Biblical? by admin for Shane Idleman Civil unrest is everywhere and lawmakers are being pressured to restrict guns. But what we are seeing today is not a gun problem; it’s a moral problem called sin. We are witnessing the rapid deterioration of a nation. We have lost our moral compass…we have lost the fear of the Lord. When the fear of the Lord decreases, evil increases. “A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both” (Dwight D. Eisenhower). One of the Scriptures…


Do You Have A Disaster Water Plan?

Do You Have A Disaster Water Plan? by Ken Jorgustin for Modern Survival Blog The thing about water that most of us already know, but many ignore… You can’t live long without it! In fact, water will rapidly become a #1 concern following SHTF disaster. Water Is SHTF Concern #1 Many or most people overlook the importance of water. Why? By making the assumption that water will always flow from the faucet. It is taken for granted. Plus, depending on where you live, water may appear readily accessible from lakes and…


The 5 R’s: These Strategies Are Essential for Resilience

The 5 R’s: These Strategies Are Essential for Resilience by Toby Cowern for The Organic Prepper The Five Strategic Rs comes from the original Urban Preparedness Workshops I used to teach many years ago. The Five Strategic R’s focus is to get people to think more into the overall impact of severe situations and aftermath. Once we look at preparedness, people tend to fixate on just the preparations. The model we’ve built with the Seven Pillars holding up this Roof of Resilience says, “What your preparations will do is buy you a…


Did it Really Take a Pandemic for People to Realize that Prepping Isn’t Crazy?

Did it Really Take a Pandemic for People to Realize that Prepping Isn’t Crazy? by J. G. Martinez for The Organic Prepper My intentions with my articles are never to mock anyone. This article is no exception. On the contrary, I give kudos to those who (finally!) understand and have jumped onto the self-sufficiency wagon. I know many funny memes are going around the prepping community regarding how “happy” some preppers are after finally getting the chance to face “the real thing.” It’s not that easy. Many of Us Are…