Sudden Death: The No. 1 Cause of Death for Under 65s in 2021

Sudden Death: The No. 1 Cause of Death for Under 65s in 2021 by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Mounting evidence shows the COVID shots are destroying people’s immune systems and are triggering turbo-charged cancers A survey by Steve Kirsch found sudden death is the No. 1 cause of death among those under the age of 65 who got the COVID jab Myocarditis as a cause of death is now registering across all age ranges but only for the vaccinated. Cardiac-related deaths are also significantly elevated among younger people (under…


Are FDIC Bankers Preparing for Bank Runs in the U.S.?

Are FDIC Bankers Preparing for Bank Runs in the U.S.? Comments by Brian Shilhavy, Editor, Health Impact News While the news reported today by the Rasmussen Poll revealing that nearly half of Americans are now stating that they believe the COVID-19 “vaccines” are responsible for “sudden deaths,” and more than 25% saying that they believe they know someone who has died from the shots, is positive news at face value, it is also potentially bad news, because the Globalists know this also, and they know that they need to act…


Artificial Intelligence is about to defend a human in court ‘for the first time ever’

Artificial Intelligence is about to defend a human in court ‘for the first time ever’ from End Time Headlines Artificial Intelligence is breaking a new frontier, with a company teasing that their robot will be playing an important part in a trial in court. The AI robot will be the first to advise a defendant in a court of law. The news was shared by the publication New Scientist, which explained that the AI would be in the defendant’s phone. The robot would listen in on court proceedings and would…


The America We Grew Up Is Already Gone

The America We Grew Up Is Already Gone By Susan Duclos – All News PipeLine What Remains Is Some Sick, Perverted Leftist Version Of The Twilight Zone Where People Now Identify As Cats And Dogs I am showing my age here but seeing things happening today that the media and one political party insists is “normal,” when in the past the same things would be investigated by law enforcement, and/or parents would show up and beat the snot out of the offenders, makes one realize that so-called “diversity” being pushed…


Is Bryan Kohberger A Metaphor For What Is Happening To Our Society As A Whole?

Is Bryan Kohberger A Metaphor For What Is Happening To Our Society As A Whole? by Michael for End Of The American Dream One homicidal lunatic has been caught, but there are countless other homicidal lunatics that are still roaming our streets.  28-year-old Bryan Kohberger has been charged with murdering Kaylee Goncalves, Madison Mogen, Xana Kernodle and Ethan Chapin in the early morning hours of November 13th.  The murders were truly horrifying, and for weeks there was a tremendous amount of concern that the murderer would strike again.  Now the mystery…


Gospel, What Gospel? Pope Francis Entrusts The Soul Of Pontifex Maximus Emeritus Benedict XVI To The ‘Most Holy’ Virgin Mary Queen Of Heaven

Gospel, What Gospel? Pope Francis Entrusts The Soul Of Pontifex Maximus Emeritus Benedict XVI To The ‘Most Holy’ Virgin Mary Queen Of Heaven by Geoffrey Grider for Now The End Begins Today, we entrust our beloved Pope emeritus Benedict XVI to our Most Holy Mother Mary, that she may accompany him in his passage from this world to God, said Pope Francis. People get mad when I say that the Roman Catholic Church is not a Christian Church, and that it does not teach Bible doctrine. But guess what? It’s not,…


The Growing Call For A Global Government And World Leader

The Growing Call For A Global Government And World Leader BY TIM MOORE via Prophecy News Watch It appears that the United States and several other countries that historically have called themselves democracies are as of late been longing for a stronger and stronger leader, not a president, but more like a king. And, those leaders who do already rule countries with almost absolute authority are not really qualified to take these ultimate positions because they inevitably end up falling into megalomania. For example, Russia’s Vladamir Putin started off as…


Virgin Islands files suit against JPMorgan Chase alleging bank illicitly profited from Jeffrey Epstein’s sex trafficking of minors

Virgin Islands files suit against JPMorgan Chase alleging bank illicitly profited from Jeffrey Epstein’s sex trafficking of minors by JD Heyes for Natural News He may no longer be alive, but the fallout from the sordid, disgusting life lived by entrepreneur Jeffrey Epstein is continuing years after his death from ‘suicide’ in a New York jail cell. Epstein, you may know, trafficked in underaged girls, both for himself and, “allegedly,” for high-profile clients. Notable people who accompanied Epstein to his “pedo island” in the Caribbean or shared time with him elsewhere…


They Want To Turn Us Into “Beautiful, Rich, Dark Chocolaty-Looking Soil” When We Die For The Good Of The Environment

They Want To Turn Us Into “Beautiful, Rich, Dark Chocolaty-Looking Soil” When We Die For The Good Of The Environment by Michael for End Of The American Dream Did you know that there are six states where it is now legal to turn your dead body into compost?  So when your family is ready to plant a garden the following spring, they can actually use your remains to get it off to a great start.  I realize that this sounds incredibly twisted, but apparently turning your dead loved ones into dirt…


Chilling AI predicts future nuclear war with attacks on London, Moscow and Washington

Chilling AI predicts future nuclear war with attacks on London, Moscow and Washington from End Time Headlines GNN Note – AI is not really necessary for this predictions for those that have been paying attention. President Putin has stated, publicly, on numerous occasions that he will strike the U.S. if there is any type of attack, or movement in the direction of an attack on Russia. The war-pigs in DC are now moving equipment and armament in position to attack Russia. / END Artificial intelligence has offered a horrifying vision…