You Can Not See My Face…

You Can Not See My Face…

Do we come in close contact with God? Close enough to see God from the back side, but not His face? Does the grace and mercy of God wash over us directly from the hand of God? How do we know if it comes directly from the hand of God or from the Holy Spirit? Are the Holy Spirit and God the same?

Then He said, “I will make all My goodness pass before you, and I will proclaim the name of the Lord before you. I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.” But He said, “You cannot see My face; for no man shall see Me, and live.” And the Lord said, “Here is a place by Me, and you shall stand on the rock. So it shall be, while My glory passes by, that I will put you in the cleft of the rock, and will cover you with My hand while I pass by. 23Then I will take away My hand, and you shall see My back; but My face shall not be seen.” ~ Exodus 33:19-23 NKJB

The glory of God passes right before us and we are allowed to see His form but not His face. We can be in the presence of the Lord with the grace of the Lord and compassion of the Lord all can be known and all surround our being. We need ask, we need believe and we need to be available to the Lord for His presence to be made manifest with us.

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What a powerful moment it is when in the presence of the Lord.

I have finally found a place to live just like I never could before
And I know I don’t have much to give, but soon I’ll open any door
Everybody knows the secret, everybody knows the score

I have finally found a place to live, oh, in the presence of the Lord
In the presence of the Lord ~ Presence of the Lord, Blind Faith

We know we can not kick against the goads. We know the score. We know how to live, we just need the discipline of the Lord to make it happen in our lives. In order for the Lord to make it happen in our lives we must be willing to let Him, we must be willing to turn over our lives to His care, to His will.

What do You, Lord, want to do to live in Jesus Christ in this day? What do you, Lord, want me to know about living Your way of life?

Either the Scripture is the divine Word of God teaching us how to live and how to be a reflection of God, or it’s nothing more than a historical account of events.

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