Only “Red States” with “Blue Areas/Cities” – USA Is Conservative, Not Communist Comments by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network
To listen to the media one would think this nation is made up of liberal/progressive/communist flying a democrat flag. One would be sadly mistaken. The map below is shiny and new.
Look at this map and tell me again how the communist/democrat party has any power whatsoever…
Three states, with a possible fourth, that could be 100% liberal/progressive/communist flying a democrat flag.
Population of these three states
Massachusetts 7.126 million
New Hampshire 1.389 million
Vermont 646,545
Fewer than 10 million people in these three states and we are to believe they have the power of the remaining 47 states, or 45 of the “lower 48”? Their voice matters, it just doesn’t out weigh the remaining 47 states. Sorry.
Read: Forgiveness, Amends, Amnesty – What About An International Tribunal?
Even if we throw in Maine 1.369 million we barely breach the 10 million mark – you know, about a million more people than New York City, with 8.9 million.
Even if, which they won’t, even if the areas remaining to be “counted” turn blue you would still walk away, with the exception of Vermont, New Hampshire and Massachusetts with blue areas/cities.
Shows how “secure” US elections are.
— Ivan Trumpovic 🇦🇺🇭🇷🇺🇲🇷🇺 (@QualityTweets78) November 10, 2022
One last piece of important information to consider…
/ END of Comments.
Crooked Election Operatives Still “Counting” – GOP Currently Leads House 209 – 191
The 2022 Midterms are not over. Crooked election actors are still counting in multiple states.
Read: The Media, Local, State, Federal Law Enforcement, FBI and DoJ Are Lying About Everything…
The US House race is not over. Races across the country should have been counted and called two days ago on Tuesday night. When the counting is still taking place it becomes clear that something nefarious is going on.
Americans can no longer be sure that their votes are safe, secure and not stolen.
Regardless, here are the current results in the US House race.
Per CNN, the GOP leads with 209 wins compared to the Dems 191. The country is red. It is way red!
There are no valid excuses for the delays in counting. None. One race in Montana, District 1 where Republican Zinke is up by 3.3% with 99% of the votes counted, has not been called. It’s clear that this race is going to the former Nave Seal and US Secretary of Interior under President Trump, but the race hasn’t been called. This will make that map even redder.