The Clearest Sign Yet that God has Given America Over to Depravity

The Clearest Sign Yet that God has Given America Over to Depravity by Dr Michael Brown for Ask Dr Brown

Drag queens reading to toddlers in libraries and schools.
Drag queens engaging in indecent acts with children in gay bars.
Drag queens performing in our churches.

If anything was a sign that God has given America over to depravity, it is this.

Rampant porn addiction is bad enough, as is the redefining of the very meaning of marriage.

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Radicals shouting their abortions and the government openly advocating for the chemical castration and genital mutilation of confused children is yet another telltale sign.

But the drag queen depravity goes one step further.

It celebrates that which is shameful and normalizes that which is perverse. And it does so in the most exaggerated, even overtly demonic form, with Drag Queens wearing Satanic horns while reading to tiny little children.

As proclaimed openly, proudly, and boldly on the Drag Story Hour website, “DSH captures the imagination and play of the gender fluidity of childhood and gives kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role model.

“DSH captures the imagination and play of the gender fluidity of childhood and gives kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models.

“Kids are able to see people who defy rigid gender restrictions and imagine a world where people can present as they wish, where dress up is real.”

This is called grooming!

Yes, your kids are being targeted – impressionable, innocent children, as young as toddlers – with the enthusiastic support of the American Library Association, not to mention the support of parents and educators.

As reported by Fox News,

“New York City shelled out more than $200,000 in taxpayer funding in the past five years to have drag queens come into classrooms and interact with schoolchildren as young as age 3. The nonprofit Drag Story Hour NYC, previously known as Drag Queen Story Hour NYC, received approximately $207,000 in taxpayer funding since 2018.”

This is madness. This is depravity. This is perverse.

But this is what happens when God gives people over to their sinful imaginations. A clear and definite line is crossed, as people not only tolerate evil, they celebrate it.

That which is despicable is now honored and that which is shameful is paraded openly. The conscience is seared and the folly revealed.

It is as if God said, “If that’s what you want, then have at it, without restraint and without reserve. The seat belts are off and the brakes do not work. You are in free fall now. I will let the whole world see your folly.”

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