Where Do You Find Agents Of The Devil…
For the most part you find them happily scurrying about on TV and radio. They usually don’t try to hide what they’re doing as so many people simply don’t pay them any attention, nor do they believe they are actually agents of the devil, so they simply go about the business of stealing everything, including souls.
Here is a great example of the tools they use to mock us, to tell us the truth in a way that most people laugh or say “that’s just a silly children’s cartoon” or “he doesn’t mean what he said”
Mocking you in plain sight… 🔺👁️💥💥 pic.twitter.com/QgMODvoOVH
— vegastar (@vegastarr) October 18, 2022
“Can you imagine in 10 years when we are sitting here we have an implant in our brains and I can immediately feel, because you all will have implants… and we measure your brainwaves.”
~ Klaus Schwab
— James Melville (@JamesMelville) October 13, 2022
What about the sudden lack of food? Why is the USA running out of food when we are the “breadbasket of the world”? If it’s not by design then please explain to me why all the food processing plants are burning, exploding or being shut down for no reason?
Here is an image of all the food plants / distribution centers that have been shuttered for one reason or another – oh, by the way, this is just since January 11, 2021.
Food Shortages 2023 pic.twitter.com/HZBHxg9DOR
— Fomocap (@fomocapdao) October 21, 2022
What about all the demons that have suddenly shown up claiming to be teachers and school board members? Do we think it’s good idea to teach kindergarten level children they are transgender? They are homosexual? Is this what public education is supposed to be about?
Below are just a couple of hundreds of examples that come across our desk every single day.
This is the disaster @TheDemocrats have made of our education system.😑
Speaking about the physical differences between men and women is "unacceptable", "fascist" words spoken by "nazis"?🙄🤡😳🤦🏼♂️🤣#LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder #VoteRedToSaveAmerica2022 #FactsMatter#TWGRP pic.twitter.com/4fd8NNaT10
— Bernie's Bat$hit Barmaid❌ #TWGRP (@User_Name_TWIT) October 20, 2022
Schools are teaching kids to hate their country and to hate their bodies! pic.twitter.com/SdemKJ1lTg
— David Croom – (ツ) (@dailycallout) October 23, 2022