Tennessee governor demands investigation into Vanderbilt Medical Center transgender clinic

Tennessee governor demands investigation into Vanderbilt Medical Center transgender clinic by JeanMondoro for Life Site News GNN Note – That’s my Governor right there! For all his faults and mistakes, he does get some truly important issues right. / END ‘We have to protect Tennessee children, and this warrants a thorough investigation,’ Gov. Bill Lee said. Tennessee’s Republican governor has demanded an investigation into the promotion of mutilating surgeries and other “trans care” for youth at a transgender clinic.  The call for an investigation is Gov. Bill Lee’s response to the…


Deferred but Not Denied

Deferred but Not Denied by Chanel Abrams for CBN News Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life. (Proverbs 13:12 NIV)  I have seen something else under the sun: The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong, nor does food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favor to the learned; but time and chance happen to them all. (Ecclesiastes 9:11) For years I dreamed of working as a makeup artist for CBN. You see, my…


Andrew Cuomo Refuses to Testify in Congress About His Order That Killed 15,000 Nursing Home Residents

Andrew Cuomo Refuses to Testify in Congress About His Order That Killed 15,000 Nursing Home Residents by Micaiah Bilger for Life News Disgraced former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo refused to testify Wednesday at a U.S. House hearing about his order that forced nursing homes to receive patients who tested positive for COVID-19, placing them with those most likely to die from the virus. Cuomo, a pro-abortion Democrat, resigned in 2021 amid accusations of sexually harassing women and covering up nursing home deaths linked to his COVID-19 order. Investigations into his handling…


Adam Levine, Human Nature, and Adultery

Adam Levine, Human Nature, and Adultery by Michael Brown for Ask Dr Brown In recent days, there has been a flurry of accusations of adultery and/or inappropriate behavior against singer Adam Levine. This, in turn, has led to the unearthing of a 2009 Cosmopolitan interview with Levine before he was married. Some of his comments give real insight into the contradictions of human nature. In the interview, he was asked “why do guys cheat?” He responded, “Instinctively, monogamy is not in our genetic makeup. “People cheat. I have cheated. And you…


Red Flag: When “Prophecy” Looks Like a Horoscope (Video)

Red Flag: When “Prophecy” Looks Like a Horoscope Video by Melissa Dougherty This is what I call playing “prophecy darts.” This is not Biblical. This is bad theology. And bad theology will hurt you. Paul and Morgan are Christian YouTubers that some of you might have come across on your Tubes of You scrolling adventures. Through a very interesting series of events, I came across a video that they did about how they left the Hyper-Charismatic movement. (This is purposely called hyper charismatic because it’s an extreme belief about how…


Evidence of harm

Evidence of harm by Steve Kirsch for Steve Kirsch’s Newsletter – SubStack A short collection of key pieces of evidence showing the COVID vaccines are not “safe and effective.” Not even close. They are the most deadly vaccines we’ve ever produced. Executive summary Here’s a high level collection of some of the most compelling pieces of evidence I’ve seen to date. This is not an exhaustive list, but just the key pieces of data that are impossible to explain if the vaccines are safe and effective. I’ve divided the collection…


In a World of Deception, BE HONEST (Video) – David Jeremiah

In a World of Deception, BE HONEST (Video) – David Jeremiah Jesus warns us that deception from Satan and false prophets will be rampant in the World of the End. But we can combat the deception in our world with the truth of God’s Word. 00:00 – Be the person Jesus wants you to be. 03:14 – Dr. Jeremiah’s message – “In a World of Deception, BE HONEST” 25:03 – One last word from Dr. Jeremiah


Are the Woke the New Pharisees?

Are the Woke the New Pharisees? By JERRY NEWCOMBE for The Stream I remember a 10-year-old girl in school who came home one day proudly wearing a big button that declared, “I’m for sharing.” But when she starting munching on a candy bar, her dad asked her if he could have a bite. She said, “No. It’s mine!” And he said, “Well, then stop wearing a button that says ‘I’m for sharing’ when you really aren’t.” The left’s reaction to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis sending 50 illegal immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard…