Newcomers: Watch out for the Time-Bullies!

Newcomers: Watch out for the Time-Bullies! From Big Book Sponsorship Don’t let anyone talk you out of your miracle. By the 1980’s, working the 12 Step Program had been replaced by a “Meeting Makers Make It” Program and going to meetings became the program! In the 1940’s and 50’s meetings were a place where recovered alcoholics talked about carrying the message of experience strength and hope to suffering alcoholics and help newcomers work out a solution to their problem (alcoholism/addiction). “Seeing much of each other, scarce an evening passed that…


What do I need to know about surviving the end times?

What do I need to know about surviving the end times? from Compelling Truth When people consider surviving the end times, they often find themselves fearful of the future. However, the apostle Paul wrote to believers about the rapture, saying, “Encourage one another with these words” (1 Thessalonians 4:18). For the believer, the end times are something to anticipate, not to fear. To survive the end times, the key is to trust in Jesus Christ alone for salvation (John 3:16; Ephesians 2:8-9). We can know for certain we will have…


Well Being: Ultra-processed Foods

Well Being: Ultra-processed Foods by Robert W Malone MD, MS – SubStack We all know they aren’t good for us – it is long past time to stop buying them. It is possible. We can make simple changes in our habits that will have huge consequences on our health and quality of life. These changes are often best brought about by first determining what needs changing and then developing new habits. But what if some of those habits could be changed by just shopping differently in the grocery store? Rather than…


Will Nuclear War Be The End Of Our Civilization?

Will Nuclear War Be The End Of Our Civilization? by Michael for End Of The American Dream Can we please not have a cataclysmic nuclear war which would result in most of the population of the world starving to death?  I don’t think that is an unreasonable request.  There are nine guys that collectively control virtually all of the nuclear weapons on the planet.  If something goes wrong and some of them start firing their weapons, billions of people could end up dead.  In fact, a brand new study that was…