Humanity On The Brink: Trump Warns That “Everyone Will Be Dead” If Both Sides Continue To Escalate World War 3

Humanity On The Brink: Trump Warns That “Everyone Will Be Dead” If Both Sides Continue To Escalate World War 3 by  for End of the American Dream

In all of modern history, the world has never had a worse group of leaders than it does right now, and the fate of civilization is literally in their hands.  If both sides continue to escalate matters, the proxy war in Ukraine will eventually become a shooting war between the United States and Russia.  And once a shooting war between the United States and Russia starts, it will only be a matter of time before it goes nuclear.  It is often said that there are no winners in a nuclear war, and that is certainly true.  But if a nuclear war becomes inevitable, you definitely want to be on the side that strikes first.  Because a devastating surprise first strike may not enable you to “win” a nuclear war, but it will certainly give you the best chance of surviving one.

Donald Trump can see where things are heading.  This week, he penned the most ominous statement that he has ever issued…

“It doesn’t make sense that Russia and Ukraine aren’t sitting down and working out some kind of an agreement. If they don’t do it soon, there will be nothing left but death, destruction, and carnage. This is a war that never should have happened, but it did. The solution can never be as good as it would have been before the shooting started, but there is a solution, and it should be figured out now—not later—when everyone will be DEAD!”

Like Trump, I am desperately hoping that a negotiated agreement can be reached somehow, because if a full-blown nuclear war erupts billions of people will die.

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We must not allow that to happen.

Unfortunately, officials in the U.S. are not taking this threat seriously.  In fact, I have been seeing talking heads all over cable news downplaying the threat of nuclear war.  These experts assure us that Russia “would never use nuclear weapons”, but meanwhile Russia continues to feverishly prepare for a potential nuclear war with the United States.

In fact, the Russians just conducted a test of the new Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missile…

Russia has test launched a new intercontinental ballistic missile, raising fears of a further escalation of Vladimir Putin’s barbaric war in Ukraine.

The Russian leader said the Sarmat missile, also known as Satan-2, will provide ‘food for thought for those who try to threaten Russia’ and will make his enemies ‘think twice’.

It is being reported that the Sarmat has a range of 11,000 miles and can hit any target on the entire planet.

It can carry up to 15 independently targetable warheads, and the Russians are bragging that the collective power of those warheads could destroy an area the size of Texas or France.

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