Hindu Nation Sees Mass Salvations in Remote Villages

Hindu Nation Sees Mass Salvations in Remote Villages by SHELBY LINDSAY for Charisma News

Where persecution runs rampant, the gospel goes forth in power and authority, followed by signs, wonders and miracles. This was displayed just weeks ago in a remote Hindu village in South Asia where 31,345 people gave their lives to Jesus Christ.

On the ground, extremists aim to cleanse the country of the presence of Christians. In 2021 alone there were nearly 500 documented attacks on Christians.

In many Hindu areas in South Asia there is an overwhelming onslaught on the local church. Christian literature is being burned, and aggressors are targeting schools and worshippers. Sadly, in this Hindu country, which cannot be named for safety reasons, some political leaders are encouraging the persecution and killing of Christians, even spreading it across social media. Evangelist Caleb Wampler and his Kingdom Encounters International team took the gospel to these remote villages. Just this month they established 12 new church plants in areas swarmed with idol worship on every corner.

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The team saw 31,345 salvations and 6,756 healings take place across numerous villages. They also handed out New Testament Bibles. Following the mass salvations, a team of 200 pastors were trained and raised up to take in and disciple the new believers.

In a nation still wrapped in the fear of COVID-19 because of little to no access to health care, people came out in droves to hear the life-changing message of Jesus. Despite the fear of the ongoing pandemic, their hopelessness surpassed the fear of transmission. Men, women and children cried under the power of the Holy Spirit, and many lives were changed forever.

A blind 8-month-old baby was brought up on the platform by weeping parents. A father and a mother desperate for a healthy future for their child handed the baby over to the team. God completely healed the baby, and the family has since testified in their village about the wonder-working power of Jesus Christ.

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