Why Russia Must Battle Against the ‘New World Order’

Why Russia Must Battle Against the ‘New World Order’ by Robert Bridge for Strategic-Culture

Thus, the war in Ukraine is not just to protect the physical boundaries of Russia from NATO aggression, Robert Bridge writes.

For many decades, the term ‘new world order’ has been discussed obsessively in the United States, yet few have any idea where the concept originated from and where the individuals who promote this grand vision wish to lead humanity. But one thing is for sure, Russia is having none of it.

This week, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov remarked that one of the goals of Moscow’s military operation in Ukraine is to end the U.S.-dominated world order, which is categorically at odds with Russia and its ally’s desire for a multipolar global system.

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“Our special military operation is meant to put an end to the brazen expansion [of NATO forces] and the … drive towards full domination by the U.S. and its Western subjects on the world stage,” Lavrov told Rossiya 24 news channel.

“This domination is built on gross violations of international law and under some rules, which they are now hyping so much and which they make up on a case-by-case basis,” Russia’s top diplomat added.

Aside from the question as to whether U.S.-led NATO will heed Moscow’s warnings and stop the military advance on Russia’s border is another equally critical one: ‘What exactly is the New World Order, and why does the term invite so much fear and loathing?’

Invitation to Global Control

In a letter dated August 15, 1871, Confederate General and prominent author Albert Pike wrote a letter to the Italian politician and revolutionary agitator Giuseppe Mazzinni in which he suggested the creation of a ‘one world order’ where all nations would fall under the dictate of a single authority. Since then, various U.S. presidents have paid lip service to this yet-to-be-realized globe-straddling super-structure, with, ostensibly, the United States at the helm.

“The world order which we seek,” Franklin D. Roosevelt said in his 1941 State of the Union Address, “is the cooperation of free countries, working together in a friendly, civilized society.”

Later, U.S. president Harry S. Truman, who was responsible for dropping not one but two atomic bombs on nearly vanquished Japan in the waning hours of World War II, also expressed his fascination with “world order.”

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