It’s “Game Time”: Russian Forces Move Into Attack Position As “Negotiations” Fail

It’s “Game Time”: Russian Forces Move Into Attack Position As “Negotiations” Fail by  for End Of The American Dream

How is it possible that we are suddenly on the precipice of global war?  During the Cold War days, we could always count on the fact that there were competent foreign policy professionals in the United States and in Europe that could simultaneously look out for our interests but also prevent a nuclear war with Russia from happening.  Because if a nuclear war were to erupt, nobody wins.  Unfortunately, the landscape is completely different here in 2022.  Instead of competent foreign policy professionals running the show, we have got a bunch of clueless hacks that seem to have absolutely no idea what they are doing.  I wish that I could be more optimistic that a diplomatic way out of this crisis will be found, but I can’t.

On Monday, Joe Biden and Boris Johnson both agreed that a “window for diplomacy”remains open…

Boris Johnson, the Prime Minister, and US President Joe Biden agreed in a call today that a “crucial window for diplomacy” remained open over the crisis in Ukraine, Downing Street has said.

I am glad that they believe that, but in order for diplomacy to work you must be willing to negotiate.

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Up to this point, the attitude of the Biden administration has been that the Russians will get nothing that they want and the U.S. and NATO will get everything that they want.

Needless to say, that isn’t diplomacy.

On the other side, the Russians are clearly threatening to invade Ukraine, but they are also indicating that they are still open to talks for a limited period of time…

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that talks “can’t go on indefinitely, but I would suggest to continue and expand them at this stage.”

he Russians consider Ukraine to be part of Russia.

They always have.

So the idea of having Ukraine join NATO and having western missiles just minutes from Moscow is absolutely unthinkable to the leadership in the Kremlin.

We need to understand that, but we also don’t have to give the Russians everything that they are demanding in order to avoid war.  Several workable frameworks for peace have been put forward, and that includes one that has been drafted by former policymakers on both sides.

This crisis could be resolved so easily, but the Biden administration has decided that the Russians will get nothing and be happy with it.

Either the Biden administration believes that the Russians are bluffing, which would be a colossal mistake, or the Biden administration actually wants a war in Europe.

Let us hope that the Biden administration has a sudden change of heart, because time is running out.  According to CNN, Russian forces continue to pour into the region…

The build-up of Russian forces close to the Ukrainian border continues apace, with everything from submarines and amphibious landing ships in the Black Sea to short-range ballistic missiles, tanks and howitzers around Ukraine’s northeastern edges.

CNN has geolocated and authenticated social media videos of these movements — though there are likely many more that are not being observed.

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