Spineless: Restoring Courage and Conviction to the People of God (Podcast)

Spineless: Restoring Courage and Conviction to the People of God Podcast by for Servants of Grace

On today’s Equipping You in Grace episode, Dave and David Steele discuss the fear of God and standing against the fear of man, biblical boldness and practical steps towards it, Christians convictions and Scripture, along with his new book, Spineless: Restoring Courage and Conviction to the People of God.

What you’ll hear in this episode

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  • J.C. Ryle’s lament over the church in our day and David Steele’s concern about the church in our day.
  • Some marks of false teachers Christians should look out for.
  • The importance of Christians convictions being shaped by Scripture.
  • Some of the markets of faithful proclamation of God’s Word.
  • The importance of Christians being governed by biblical conviction and informed by biblical truth as Christians.
  • A proper fear of God and standing stand against the fear of man.
  • The importance of biblical boldness and a plan of action towards it.

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