I and the Father Are One, Part 2 (Podcast) by Pastor John MacArthur for Grace to You
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Turn to the tenth chapter of the gospel of John. John chapter 10. It’s very interesting to be going through the Book of John in the morning and Acts at night because in the account of the early chapters of Acts, Peter is the preacher. And with the gospel of John, John is the writer. And of course, they were buddies. They are together in the early chapters of Acts, so it’s a special treat to be hearing from John as he finally gets to say something many, many, many years after Peter preached on Pentecost, and how parallel the writing of John concerning the person of Christ and the preaching of Peter concerning the person of Christ are. So we’re sort of doubling down on Peter and John in these days, and presenting the glories of the Savior that they loved and proclaimed.
Tenth chapter of John is a turning point as you know in John’s history. This is the chapter that records the last account that John gives of the public ministry of Jesus. At the end of this tenth chapter, Jesus goes away for about three months, and He spends the time with His disciples. He comes back in the 11th chapter and raises Lazarus from the dead, does a triumphal entry in the 12th chapter, and then John records chapters 13 through 16 one night, one night in the upper room, the promises the Lord gave to His disciples and all who would come after them, including us. The 17th chapter then is that incredible entry into the holy of holies, the sanctuary of the private prayer and communion of Christ with His Father, that great high priestly prayer that He prayed before His death. Chapter 18 is His arrest followed by His death and resurrection. And then the restitution of Peter and the commissioning of the disciples ends it all in the final chapter.