Seeking The One Truth…

Seeking The One Truth… When do we begin to stand up for the True Gospel? When do we deliver the Gospel as the Word and breathe of God? The “prosperity” ministers, that are saturating the airwaves and filling church pews at an alarming rate, only see Jesus, the Holy Spirit and God as an ATM or a currency transfer app on their phone. Where are the leepers? Where are the sick, the addicts and the murderers? Is everybody in the church building living the beautiful life? WOW! We want our…


4 Ways to Walk in Greater Obedience in 2021

4 Ways to Walk in Greater Obedience in 2021 by Allen Jackson for Christian News Journal While our calendar page has turned from 2020 to 2021, it’s clear that the confusion and chaos in our culture has not abated. Propaganda continues to wash across our nation, and the fear and anxiety regarding COVID is resurgent—perhaps greater than at any other time. Truth has definitely not regained its balance yet. Many of us remain disappointed and disillusioned – if not downright distrustful – in election outcomes, and we can be tempted…


‘If you own the seeds you own the food system’: campaigners demand public ownership to counter Big Ag privatization

‘If you own the seeds you own the food system’: campaigners demand public ownership to counter Big Ag privatization A growing number of people around the world are calling for the public ownership of seeds, which they say is essential for a more democratic and ecologically sound food system, as the coronavirus-driven spike in empty supermarket shelves and the continued loss of biodiversity this year sparked a rise in the popularity of saving and swapping seeds and shed more light on the negative consequences of allowing a handful of agrochemical…


HOMELESS: What We Can Learn About Survival from Life on the Streets

HOMELESS: What We Can Learn About Survival from Life on the Streets by Fabian Ommar for The Organic Prepper People living in cities are used to a broad net of safety, convenience, and comfort. 60% (on average) of the world population, according to recent estimates, live in cities. More in developed/developing nations (around 80%, as in the U.S.) and less in poorer ones (30 to 40%).  Cities provide a high level of stability and predictability. Cities also offer freedom, jobs, and a great variety of consumables, education, culture, and entertainment.…


Prayers and Praises from the World’s Hardest Places to Be a Christian

Prayers and Praises from the World’s Hardest Places to Be a Christian COMPILED BY MORGAN LEE for Christianity Today The struggles and joys experienced by believers in 11 nations on Open Doors’ Christian persecution watchlist. More than 340 million Christians live in places with very high or extreme levels of persecution, according to Open Doors’ 2021 World Watch List. Since these believers are our brothers and sisters in Christ, we thought it might be helpful to hear from the church and those close to them in 11 different countries on how God…


What is a spiritual awakening?

What is a spiritual awakening? from Compelling Truth The term “spiritual awakening” is used by different people to refer to different types of spiritually-related occurrences. In general, a spiritual awakening is a new revelation, breakthrough, or enlightenment that happens within one’s spiritual life. We become consciously aware of something spiritual that we did not know before. The idea of a spiritual awakening is popular in secular movements, such as New Age, and in several different religions. From a biblical point of view, salvation serves as our primary spiritual awakening. More…


British legislator calls for widespread vitamin D rollout following 82% reduction in COVID-19 deaths in Spain

British legislator calls for widespread vitamin D rollout following 82% reduction in COVID-19 deaths in Spain By Virgilio Marin for Prevention British Member of Parliament David Davis is urging the British government to strengthen its vitamin D supplementation program for people at-risk of COVID-19 following an impressive precedent set by Andalusia in Spain. Speaking before the House of Commons on Thursday, Davis said that Britain should follow the lead of Andalusia, which distributed calcifediol, a vitamin D supplement, to care home residents last November. Since then, the Spanish region’s COVID-19 deaths dropped by 82 percent. Because of this,…


Door-to-door coronavirus vaccines from the government? It has begun

Door-to-door coronavirus vaccines from the government? It has begun By Ethan Huff for Health Freedom Just because Donald Trump is gone from the White House does not mean that his “Operation Warp Speed” mass vaccination program for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) has come to an end. According to reports, door-to-door administration of China virus jabs by the government is now well underway in Seattle, where local fire department paramedics equipped with syringes are going around paying area residents a visit. Right now, the main targets are “residents of adult family homes…