122112 – The Great Change Began?

122112 – The Great Change Began? For those that were paying attention a few years ago, somewhere around 2010, we began hearing stories of the Mayan calendar and the “world coming to end” on 12/21/12. Well, as everyone knows that didn’t happen. The day came and went and here we are today. There were a couple of problems with all the noise surrounding that date and what the Mayan calendar foretold. The calendar, which is in German museum, is broken where in the exact place that was suppose to point…


How to Survive the Scariest Passage in the Bible

How to Survive the Scariest Passage in the Bible by Justin Dillehay  for The Gospel Coalition Christians may disagree over what constitutes the scariest passage in the Bible. But most would agree Jesus’s concluding words in the Sermon on the Mount rank near the top. Not everyone who says to me, “Lord, Lord,” will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, “Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name,…


Corruption in Global Health Care May Exceed $1 TRILLION

Corruption in Global Health Care May Exceed $1 TRILLION by Dr. Joseph Mercola for Mercola Investigations assessing the prevalence of scientific fraud and/or its impact show the problem is widespread and serious, to the point of making most of “science-based” medicine a genuine joke. Conflict of interest is another pervasive problem that threatens the integrity and believability of most studies. We’ve been repeatedly faced with study findings that are clearly tainted with industry bias. For example, a 2014 study1,2,3 funded by the American Beverage Association purported to have found that diet soda…


2020 Is the ‘Year of the Bible’: Harnessing Tech to Fulfill the Great Commission

2020 Is the ‘Year of the Bible’: Harnessing Tech to Fulfill the Great Commission by Wendy Griffith for CBN News Musicians and politicians are declaring 2020 the “year of the Bible“. It’s a year-long campaign to promote a global celebration of the Word of God. Jesus said, preach the word to every tongue, tribe, and nation and then the end will come. Today, thanks to new technologies, what once seemed a nearly impossible task, is now happening at much greater speed, and that includes Bible translation. Twenty or 30 years…


Spirit-Filled Pastor: This Sin Has Deadly Consequences

Spirit-Filled Pastor: This Sin Has Deadly Consequences by DOUG STRINGER for Charisma News In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus used the commandments prohibiting murder and adultery to illustrate the truth that obedience begins in the heart. The religious leaders of His day didn’t understand this truth; they believed a person was obeying God if he simply refrained from committing the physical acts of murder, adultery and stealing. Their outward compliance to the law with no regard for the heart had reduced God’s statutes to cold, sterile, legal precepts, separate…


Understanding the difference between simple and complex carbs is the key to healthy eating habits

Understanding the difference between simple and complex carbs is the key to healthy eating habits by: Grace Olson for Natural News When it comes to eating, it’s important to understand what goes inside your food – especially when it comes to carbohydrates. Carbohydrates, which most people refer to as “carbs,” are divided into two categories: simple and complex carbohydrates. Understanding how each interacts with the body can help a person choose which foods to eat. A quick guide to carbohydrates Carbohydrates are crucial biomolecules to the body since they fuel the body’s numerous functions.…


How To Prepare For Sleeper Cells

How To Prepare For Sleeper Cells by Ken Jorgustin for Modern Survival Blog Current Events: Top Iranian General Salami Soleimani Terminated in US Drone Strike. Following this event, many believe that embedded Iranian backed terrorist “sleeper cells”[1] here in the United States may receive their “go” orders. And if that is true, you as a preparedness-minded person may wonder what, if anything, you can do to further prepare. So I’m going to suggest a few things to think about. What Will The Terrorists Do? We must consider the possibilities. You need to hypothesize what…



DR. STANLEY A PLOTKIN – ‘GODFATHER’ OF VACCINES – UNDER OATH IN COURT CASE DEPOSITION – ANIMAL DNA (Video) from SDA Maranatha Church Amer Samoa GNN Note – Dr Plotkin makes mention of these “animal bloods” adhering to aluminum cells. It is mentioned and nothing more is said about aluminum. This would mean that not only are there a variety of animal cells in the vaccines but an admission of aluminum being present in the vaccines – multiple vaccines – as well. Aluminum is thought to be a contributing factor…



EARTHQUAKE NEAR IRANIAN NUCLEAR PLANT by Dr Joseph P Farrell for Giza Death Star Well… here we go folks!  It’s 2020, and Daniel and I want to wish everyone a very Happy New Year and every good thing in the year to come. And speaking of the New Year, I want to start of this year’s blogs by a look back to the very tail end of last year, and to rehearse an old high octane speculation, because I think we’re looking at that old pattern of high octane speculation…