Returning (Podcast)

Returning Podcast by Pastor Colin Smith for The Orchard

John 14:1-14

Please open your Bible at John 14. We come today to some of the best known and best loved words of Jesus. They are words that all of us need to hear today:

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Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. – John 14:1

My prayer for this morning is that you will feel as if you were able to pull up a chair, sit down with these words of Jesus, and let them soak into your heart and mind so that your faith may be nourished and your wounds may be healed.

The Context: Broken Trust

These words of Jesus were spoken in a context of broken trust.

This was the night of the Last Supper. Jesus had gathered with His disciples, and it was a dinner in which everything seemed to go wrong.

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