The Book of Romans – As Close As Your Mouth and Your Heart (Podcast)

The Book of Romans – As Close As Your Mouth and Your Heart Podcast by Pastor JD Greear for Summit Church

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OK, Romans 10. Romans 10 is the other side of the coin of Romans 9. The focus of Romans 9 was on God’s sovereignty in our salvation. The focus of Romans 10 is on our role in it.

In Scripture, God’s sovereignty and man’s responsibility are presented as a paradox—which means something that, on the surface, appears contradictory but in reality is not.

In a paradox, the only reason things seem to contradict is that our understanding and perspective are limited.

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We have a lot of examples of paradoxes in the natural world, for example:

● Albert Einstein demonstrated that light sometimes appears to behave like a wave and sometimes it behaves like a particle, which up until that point were mutually contradictory categories. They still aren’t exactly sure how light could be both, but that’s just because there are things about the nature of the universe we don’t get yet.1

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