The Book of Romans: Hope: The Greatest Chapter in the Bible – Part 3 (Podcast)

The Book of Romans: Hope: The Greatest Chapter in the Bible – Part 3 Podcast by Pastor JD Greear for Summit Church

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Romans 8, if you have your Bible (p. 52)–which many regard to be the greatest chapter in the Bible.

● Today, I want to talk about one of the most famous verses in that chapter; one of the most famous in the whole Bible–Romans 8:28 (“And we know that…”)

o Some of you have a t-shirt with those words be-dazzled on it, or you’ve got them on a coffee mug, or it’s crocheted on a pillow you have somewhere in your house.

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● We love to quote it when bad things happen: “Hey, God’s got a plan.”

● But here’s the thing: IF YOU ARE HONEST–I THINK MY JOB IS TO MAKE YOU BE HONEST ABOUT QUESTIONS YOU HAVE BUT DON’T WANT TO ASK IN CHURCH. Sometimes that verse feels hollow, or frustrating to hear, because while we can sometimes see good coming out of the bad, sometimes we don’t see any good coming from a bad thing.

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