The Book of Romans: Freedom: The Greatest Chapter in the Bible (Podcast)

The Book of Romans: Freedom: The Greatest Chapter in the Bible Podcast by Pastor JD Greear for Summit Church

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Alright, Romans 8–which many regard to be the greatest chapter in
the Bible:

● John Piper says, “The greatest book in the world is the Bible; the
greatest letter in that book is Romans; and the greatest chapter in
that letter is chapter 8.
● And the best verse is vs. 1.
If you were writing the soundtrack for the book of Romans, when
you rounded the corner into chapter 8 you’d probably start playing
the Rocky soundtrack.
● Paul his finished his exploration of the basics of the gospel and
now he transitions to how it transforms your entire outlook on

He’s going to start asking: “If the gospel is true, how does that change
how you see your life?”

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