Saved for a Purpose (2 Kings 19:19) (Podcast)

Saved for a Purpose (2 Kings 19:19) Podcast by David Platt for Raical

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“So now, O LORD our God, save us, please, from his hand, that all the kingdoms of the earth may know that you, O LORD, are God alone.”
(2 Kings 19:19)

Please hear this prayer. It is a fundamental picture that we see over and over and over again in the Bible, that if we’re not careful we will totally miss. Let me read the verse again. “So now, O Lord our God, save us, please, from his hand, that all the kingdoms of the earth may know that you, O Lord are God alone.”

So let me summarize it. The first part of the verse is, save us, God save us, show mercy to us. And this picture, it’s a picture of asking for salvation from a foreign army, for deliverance from their hands. Save us so that… So here’s the second part, and the connector is “so that”, here’s the purpose clause, save us, God, so that… So why are they praying for salvation here? So that for the purpose of all the kingdoms of the earth knowing that the Lord is God alone. So we pray, God, save us for a purpose, that God might be glorified in us. Save us, God, for your glory, God. Do you see it? This is what we see all throughout the Bible, God saves his people, but that’s not the end of the story. It’s not, God saves his people, put a period on it, and that’s it and move on. No, it’s, God saves his people so that, there’s a purpose in God saving his people, God saves his people so that his glory will be made known through his people among all the peoples of the earth.

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