The Book of Romans: Inclusive Exclusivity (Podcast)

The Book of Romans: Inclusive Exclusivity Podcast by Pastor JD Greear for Summit Church

Podcast / HERE>>>

Romans 3:27, if you have your Bible (p 32 in Journal)

Recently my family and I were at Universal Studios, in Orlando. (I had to speak in Orlando so we decided to make a short family trip of it and visit a couple of the parks.)

If you’ve been to Universal you know that one of the main attractions there is Harry Potter world. And regardless of what you think about that whole saga (I know some of you have some reservations about it, and I’m not trying to wade into that right now), but it is one of the most elaborately-built, amazing sections of any amusement park that I have ever been to. The creativity and construction that went into it are staggering. But here’s the thing… the entrance to that part of the park is at the very back and almost completely unmarked. And that’s intentional. It’s supposed to recreate how you get into the magical world in the books. So, in the park, you basically walk through an open doorway in a wall that looks like you are going into a restroom, but it opens up into this amazing and complex world of imagination.

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I told Veronica that if you didn’t know that part of the park was there, you likely could walk right by it and miss the most elaborate thing at Universal Studios. – Continue Transcript / Summit Church>>>

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