Re-Mind Me Why President Trump Won, Again. KAG 2020

Re-Mind Me Why President Trump Won, Again. KAG 2020

The gang of 535 in Washington DC that sold us down the river…the elite filth on the east coast and media satanic globalist on the west coast…The people that are so disconnected from the people in the middle they have absolutely no idea who we are, what we are… nor do they care. They stopped caring years ago. If you don’t believe me simply attempt to ask them about anything realistic going on in Nebraska or Alabama or South Dakota. Start by asking them to locate on a map. The people that claim to know what’s best haven’t a clue who we are, what we are, nor do they care.

Maybe if the east and west coast elitist sat down with some of the people in this video they may learn a little of who we are, what we are and maybe, just maybe they may begin to care a little.

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