Incest and necrophilia ‘should be legal’ according to youth branch of Swedish Liberal People’s Party

Incest and necrophilia ‘should be legal’ according to youth branch of Swedish Liberal People’s Party by Lizzie Dearden and Elsa Vulliamy forIndependent

GNN Note – Tom Delay, a former U.S. Congressmen, brought the “12 perversions” to the attention of the world back in 2015. These two were on the list. The goal, which we are seeing play out right now, was to “normalize” a variety of abominations. We are well on our way, as a society, to accepting lifestyles that just 20 years ago were not part of the landscape. Today it’s like we are living in some kind out-of-control crazy town. I long for the good-ole-days when divorce wasn’t discussed in polite company. Now people are actually discussing, in the town square, if it’s acceptable to have sex with a dead person. My, my, my how far we have fallen in such a short period.


‘Incest can be considered unusual and disgusting, but the law cannot stem from it being disgusting’

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Incest between siblings and necrophilia should be legalised, a branch of the Swedish Liberal People’s Party has argued.

The Stockholm branch of the party’s youth wing (LUF) voted on the controversial motion at its annual meeting on Sunday.

It called for the repeal of several laws to make consensual sex between brothers and sisters aged over 15 legal, as well as allowing people to “bequeath” their bodies for intercourse after death without fearing the perpetrator would be prosecuted.

The political party’s youth wing voted on the motion at a meeting in Stockholm

Cecilia Johnsson, president of LUF Stockholm, told Aftonbladet counter-incest legislation amounted to “morality law”, adding: “These laws protect no one right now”.

“I understand that [incest] can be considered unusual and disgusting, but the law cannot stem from it being disgusting”.

The LUF also voted to support the legalisation of sexual acts with a corpse, on the condition that the person consented while they were still alive.

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