European Union Is Coming Unglued: France, Italy, UK, Greece, Belgium – RISING by Rory for The Daily Coin Conservative / Populist Win In France, Italy, UK, Greece, Belgium and Teresa May is set to resign as Prime Minister of the U.K. I have been saying for the past several months that everything happening in Europe today began with Occupy Wall St. When the movement began it went global almost over night. The Europeans, who were already up to their eyebrows in austerity, lies, Farage on the rise and a conservative…
READ MORETag: uprising
Thinking Clearly, Choosing Wisely: The Concept of God
Thinking Clearly, Choosing Wisely: The Concept of God By Jack Kerwick for Lew Rockwell During a recent conversation with a friend, a fellow Roman Catholic who not only attends church regularly, but who often serves in Mass as both a reader and a Eucharistic minister, she revealed, to my surprise, that her quest for Truth has so far led her to put into question some of the most fundamental of Christian teachings. She is not alone. Unfortunately, as I have gathered from my own experience as a college philosophy professor—a Christian professor who…
READ MOREFinding Community Prepping Resources
Finding Community Prepping Resources by 3ADScout for Survival Blog I’ll start by saying that most of the Prepper resources in your community will probably not be advertised or presented as Prepper or Survival resources. That isn’t to say that none will be advertised as for Preppers and Survivalist. We need to be aware that many resources that are in our community, that are Prepper or Survival related, may appeal to many people outside the Prepper or Survivalist Community. The good news in this is, that since these resources are of…
READ MOREGeorge Soros BANNED from the Philippines!!! (Video)
George Soros BANNED from the Philippines!!! Video by Dr Steve Turley Video Source
READ MOREThe Kingdom of God in 8 Words
The Kingdom of God in 8 Words by Jeremy Treat for The Gospel Coalition The number-one thing Jesus talked about is the kingdom of God. It’s everywhere in the Gospels and impossible to miss. But if the theme of the kingdom is so significant, then we need to make sure we know what it means. A good starting place is to have a solid working definition. Here’s one: The kingdom is God’s reign through God’s people over God’s place. That’s the message of the kingdom in eight words. Now let’s break down…
READ MOREProphecy: Church Will Undergo a Radical Overhaul
Prophecy: Church Will Undergo a Radical Overhaul by WANDA ALGER for Charisma News The church is undergoing a radical overhaul. We are in a major season of transition. The body of Christ is rising up and engaging in the culture as never before, and many are taking ownership in our mandate to steward the earth as kingdom sons and daughters. As we have been praying for God’s will to be done on earth as it is in heaven, God has been preparing the way for the bride of Christ to…
READ MOREThe Coming Civil War Over Abortion
The Coming Civil War Over Abortion By Dr. Michael Brown for Ask Dr Brown A civil war is coming to America, only this time, it will be abortion, rather than slavery, that divides the nation. And while I hope will all my heart that it will not be a physically violent war, the ideological conflict will certainly be violent and intense. We witnessed some of this during the hearings for Brett Kavanaugh, when the opposition to his confirmation was fierce to the point of screaming and pounding at the Senate’s…
READ MORERescuing Our Children – And Our Nation
Rescuing Our Children – And Our Nation: Alex Newman National Tour By Liberty Sentinel Staff for Liberty Sentinel There is a reason Deep State globalists sound so confident about the success of their agenda. They have a secret weapon: More than 85 percent of American children are being indoctrinated by radicalized government schools today. In this explosive talk, which will be delivered all across America this summer, Alex Newman exposes the insanity that has taken over the public school system. From the sexualization of children and the reshaping of values to deliberate dumbing down, Alex shows…
READ MOREMulti-Millionaire Who Hated God Gets Radically Saved, Now Helping Christians Level Up in Business and Christ
Multi-Millionaire Who Hated God Gets Radically Saved, Now Helping Christians Level Up in Business and Christ by Dan Andros for CBN News Michael McIntyre reached success most people only dream of achieving. A private jet. Multiple assistants. Tens of millions in revenue. Everything changed, however, when his little daughter became ill. Michael didn’t know it, but he’d had an army of people praying for his salvation for quite some time. They’d pretty much kept it to themselves because, in his words, he wanted “nothing to do” with born again Christians.…