Focus on the Family’s Jim Daly On the Importance of Family, Marriage, and Having Children (Video)

Focus on the Family’s Jim Daly On the Importance of Family, Marriage, and Having Children Video by American Thought Leaders / The Epoch Times At the Western Conservative Summit, we sit down with Jim Daly, an author, broadcaster, and president of Focus on the Family. We discuss the importance of family, strong marriages, and cherishing the blessing of children, especially from a traditional Christian perspective. We also explore what he sees as “ideological warfare” with the left. Video Source


5 Biblical Requirements to Follow if You Want God to Use You

5 Biblical Requirements to Follow if You Want God to Use You by RICK WARREN for Charisma News As a pastor or church leader, I know you want to be used by God. As a leader of leaders, I know you want to help others to be usable by God. “For the eyes of the Lord move about on all the earth to strengthen the heart that is completely toward Him” (2 Chron. 16:9a). The Bible teaches five requirements for being used by God: Keep your life clean. The first step…


What Happens When You Risk It All?

What Happens When You Risk It All? by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network Our country was founded by men and women that were brave and stood tall. Did they make mistakes? Lots of mistakes. Did they build one of the greatest IDEA’s ever published? Absolutely. What’s usually overlooked when people discuss the Constitution and the Bill of Rights is the fact the Founding Fathers actually took most of the concepts and ideas from ancient Greece, the original Republic. The United States is not a democracy, it is a Constitutional…


Urgent Call for People to Consider Full-Time Pro-Life Work to End Abortion

Urgent Call for People to Consider Full-Time Pro-Life Work to End Abortion by FATHER FRANK PAVONE for Life News Having just celebrated the annual observance of our Nation’s Independence, and reflecting on the great principles on which our Founders build America and for which they pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor, I want to take this occasion to issue once again a call I have issued consistently since 1993. It was at that time that I heard and responded to this same call in my own life,…


Archaeologists Discover Biblical City Where King David Fled From Saul

Archaeologists Discover Biblical City Where King David Fled From Saul by WORLD ISRAEL NEWS via Charisma News Researchers from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, the Israel Antiquities Authority and Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia, believe they have discovered the Philistine town of Ziklag, immortalized in the biblical narrative. Ziklag is mentioned multiple times in the Bible in relation to David in 1 and 2 Samuel. According to the biblical narrative, Achish, King of Gat, allowed David to find refuge in Ziklag while fleeing King Saul. It was from Ziklag that…


The Disciple’s Identity – You In Christ (Podcast)

The Disciple’s Identity – You In Christ Podcast by David Platt for Radical Christianity is different from every other religion in the world. Instead of trying to earn God’s favor, which is what all religions seek to do (in one form or another), Scripture teaches that God has graciously provided for our salvation in Jesus Christ. In this message from Matthew 11:28–30, David Platt encourages believers to find their identity in the One who has died for their sins and provided for their peace with God. This same Jesus now…



WHEN YOU’RE NOT SURE GOD ACCEPTS YOU by Chris Vogel for Core Christianity I admit that I was (and am) an athletic misfit, but I suspect I wasn’t the only one always picked last for kickball in school. Did you ever eat alone in the cafeteria? Were you ever rejected by the “cool kids” in high school? We all need to know that we are accepted, valued, and loved, but deep down most of us struggle with a visceral sense of rejection and pervasive lack of assurance that can’t be…


America’s Sad Declaration of Independence From God

America’s Sad Declaration of Independence From God by JOSEPH MATTERA for Charisma News Since the original Declaration of Independence penned by Thomas Jefferson and made official in 1776, the USA has made an about-turn from the values of that document. Anyone examining the Declaration of Independence is immediately impacted by the new nation’s utter dependence upon God, His providence and its Judeo-Christian worldview. The fact that the Founding Fathers’ decision to disassociate the nation from Britain and their political position was based upon “the laws of nature and nature’s God,”…



GOD WILL GIVE YOU MORE THAN YOU CAN HANDLE by R.D. McClenagan for Core Christianity Hear my cry, O God, listen to my prayer; from the end of the earth I call to you when my heart is faint. Lead me to the rock that is higher than I, for you have been my refuge, a strong tower against the enemy. – Psalm 61:1-3 God will give you more than you can handle. Guaranteed. I have heard many people say God will not give you more than you can handle and they often say it with good intentions – to try and comfort someone walking through difficulty or…