Levin: Senior FBI Officials ‘Interfered with Our Election’ More Effectively Than the Russians By Michael W. Chapman for CNS News During the April 21 edition of Life, Liberty & Levin, conservative leader, best selling author, and constitutional scholar Mark Levin explained that senior FBI officials “planted a spy in the Trump administration,” lied to federal courts several times, and “interfered with our election” far more “effectively than the Russians.” The false narrative about Russia “collusion” was pushed by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Obama administration, said Levin, who added that the…
READ MORETag: russia did it
The Reason the Deep State Hates Russia
The Reason the Deep State Hates Russia Is This Why America’s Permanent War State Despises Russia? pic.twitter.com/uBntJMgfvo — Ron Paul (@RonPaul) April 18, 2019
READ MOREBarr: Russian Schemers ‘Did Not Have the Cooperation of President Trump or the Trump Campaign’
Barr: Russian Schemers ‘Did Not Have the Cooperation of President Trump or the Trump Campaign’ By Susan Jones for CNS News “One of the primary purposes of the Special Counsel’s investigation was to determine whether President Trump’s campaign or any individual associated with it conspired or coordinated with the Russian government to interfere in the 2016 election,” Attorney General William Barr told a news conference in Washington Thursday morning. “As you will see, the special counsel’s report states that his investigation did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired…
READ MOREWho Launched An Investigation Into Trump’s Campaign Before Crossfire Hurricane?
Who Launched An Investigation Into Trump’s Campaign Before Crossfire Hurricane? By Margot Cleveland for The Federalist If Crossfire Hurricane was the only investigation launched by FBI headquarters, who initiated the earlier investigation using informant Stefan Halper? While special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation has concluded without any criminal charges related to collusion with Russia leveled against anyone connected to the Trump campaign, evidence of the real scandal—that the entire Trump-Russia investigation was a witch hunt—continues to dribble out. The investigation into that scandal and Department of Justice and Federal Bureau of Investigation misconduct remains ongoing, and…
READ MOREJohn McCain Associate Provided Dossier to Obama National Security Council
John McCain Associate Provided Dossier to Obama National Security Council by Aaron Klein for Breitbart TEL AVIV — David Kramer, a long-time advisor to late Senator John McCain, revealed that he met with two Obama administration officials to inquire about whether the anti-Trump dossier authored by former British spy Christopher Steele was being taken seriously. In one case, Kramer said that he personally provided a copy of the dossier to Obama National Security Council official Celeste Wallander. In a deposition on Dec. 13, 2017 that was recently posted online, Kramer…