Magnesium works better than prescription drugs for treating symptoms of depression

Magnesium works better than prescription drugs for treating symptoms of depression by: Isabelle Z. for Natural News Living with depression is so challenging that many people are drawn to the idea of a “quick fix” in the form of antidepressants. Although their efficacy is questionable at best, there are two other big reasons that many patients ultimately decide against taking them: they’re expensive and have a host of dangerous side effects. However, studies are increasingly pointing to a worthy natural alternative in the form of magnesium. The idea that a readily…


Are you deficient in magnesium? Watch out for these signs

Are you deficient in magnesium? Watch out for these signs by: Edsel Cook for Natural News People who lack vitamin D are also likely to be short on magnesium. Researchers recommend taking supplements of the essential mineral alongside the vitamin to maximize the beneficial effects. Magnesium manages the levels of vitamin D, which in turn controls calcium, phosphorus, and other minerals. Understandably, magnesium increases bone strength. It may also lower the chances of cancer and cardiovascular disease. Clinical symptoms of magnesium deficiency include anxiety, cramping and spasmodic muscles, and tics. Latent signs of low magnesium include chronic fatigue, depression,…


8 Proven Ways To Relieve Asthma Naturally

8 Proven Ways To Relieve Asthma Naturally By: GreenMedInfo Research Group for GreenMed Info Asthma affects about 300 million people worldwide. It is growing by 50 percent every decade and causes upwards of 180,000 deaths per year. The cause is not well-understood but here are 8 proven ways to help relieve symptoms naturally.  There is nothing more terrifying than not being able to breathe.  But that’s what asthmatics face every day.  Asthma is a chronic disease characterized by inflammation of the airways. Symptoms include wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness and cough. …