Health benefits of Himalayan salt lamps: Fact or fiction? by: Lance D Johnson for Natural News Have you heard about the health benefits of Himalayan salt lamps? There are many positive claims about Himalayan salt lamps on the internet, but much of the so-called benefits are just conjecture — not based on any concrete evidence. A Himalayan salt lamp is basically a handcrafted brick of salt taken from salt mines throughout the world. Most of the salt is harvested from the Khewra Salt Mine in Pakistan. The salt is believed to be…
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3 Benefits to using Himalayan salt
3 Benefits to using Himalayan salt by: Mary Miller for Natural News Your body needs some amount of sodium chloride or salt to function properly, but due to how easy it is to add salt to flavor your food, it can be just as easy to end up consuming too much of it. The unhealthy quantities of salt in your body can risk interfering with your body’s natural electrolyte balance. Fortunately, there are healthier options for seasoning your food than regular table salt. Himalayan pink salt is one of these alternatives, and it…