Tart cherry supplements and juice can help lower heart disease and Type 2 diabetes risk, advise researchers By Divina Ramirez for Prevention According to a recent study, tart cherry juice and supplements can help people with metabolic syndrome. A team of researchers from the University of Hertfordshire in the U.K. conducted a trial involving people with metabolic syndrome and found that consuming Montmorency tart cherries can reduce systolic blood pressure and insulin levels. What is metabolic syndrome? Metabolic syndrome is a group of risk factors that can increase a person’s likelihood of developing cardiovascular complications. Healthcare professionals agree that the following…
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Eating More Nuts Linked To Less Weight Gain And Lower Obesity Risk
Eating More Nuts Linked To Less Weight Gain And Lower Obesity Risk by Michael J Fitt for Natural Blaze Substituting half a daily serving of unhealthy foods with nuts may help stave off gradual weight gain, say researchers Increasing nut consumption by just half a serving (14 g or ½ oz) a day is linked to less weight gain and a lower risk of obesity, suggests a large, long term observational study, published in the online journal BMJ Nutrition, Prevention & Health. Substituting unhealthy foods, such as processed meats, French fries,…