Senate Releases Full Text Of $2 Trillion Stimulus Bill: Here’s What’s In It from Zero Hedge Update (2040ET):12 hours after the Senate was supposed to originally release the full text – all 889 pages of it – of the $2 trillion stimulus bill, it finally did just that, detailing in a whopping 889 pages, detailing its plans to stimulate spending, push tax breaks and generally boost the U.S. economy during and after the coronavirus outbreak. Here is the part most relevant to capital markets, discussing the limitations on dividends and…
READ MORETag: fascism
A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE Patrick J. Herbert, Contributor for Waking Times “We have in this country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks. Some people think the Federal Reserve Banks are U.S. Government institutions. They are not government institutions. They are private credit monopolies; domestic swindlers, rich and predatory money lenders which prey upon the people of the United States for the benefit of themselves and their foreign customers. The Federal Reserve…
READ MORERemembering the Horrors of Communism (Podcast)
Remembering the Horrors of Communism Podcast by John Stonestreet for Break Point I’ve mentioned a few times that the possibility that Roe v. Wade might be in play, overturned or at least rolled back, has prompted a significant uptick in state action on abortion. Some states are moving to limit abortion, hoping to be the source of the case that will be considered by the Supreme Court. Other states are racing to ensure that unrestricted abortion remains available within their borders. In other words, the possible demise of Roe in no way signals…
READ MORECharlie Daniels: Many in America Have Fallen for ‘Big Lie’ of Socialism
Charlie Daniels: Many in America Have Fallen for ‘Big Lie’ of Socialism by Charlie Daniels for CNS News There is a most alarming thing going on in America – a slimy, poisonous lie that must hide in the darkness of misconceptions, the fog of deceit and misrepresentation to exist. It can never be exposed to the light of full disclosure and total truth or it would be suffocated by the knowledge of its history and catastrophic ramifications. Due to the failure of our educational system, a media that no longer…