Why I’m Optimistic About Christian Education (Podcast)

Why I’m Optimistic About Christian Education Podcast by John Stonestreet for Break Point Back in 2015, the state legislature of Montana created a dollar-for-dollar tax credit for individuals who donate to organizations that provide scholarships to private school students. In response, the Montana Department of Revenue ruled that such a tax credit would violate the state’s version of the “Blaine Amendment,” which prohibits state funding of religious education. So, the state terminated the program altogether. Kendra Espinoza, a single mom who works extra jobs in order to send her kids…


The Right Needs To Adopt This Revolutionary Higher Ed Reform Plan Now

The Right Needs To Adopt This Revolutionary Higher Ed Reform Plan Now By Willis L. Krumholz for The Federalist The higher education system is rotten to its core — economically, ideologically, and spiritually. Instead of tinkering around the edges, it’s time for conservatives to actually fix the root problems. Far too many pundits believe culture is upstream from politics. That might be true, but bad policy is often upstream of culture. And it is shocking how often Republicans use the “culture” trope as an excuse for long-running inaction and lack of…


7 Persistent Myths About Homeschoolers Debunked

7 Persistent Myths About Homeschoolers Debunked by Jeff Minick for Activist Post In the last 50 years, homeschooling in the United States has grown from a tiny movement composed primarily of conservative Christians and John Holt “unschoolers” to its present size of around 1.69 million students. Despite these numbers, and despite the fact that most Americans are familiar with the concept of homeschooling, some misconceptions continue to make the rounds. Let’s look at seven of these long-standing myths. Myth #1: Homeschoolers are Unsocialized If you homeschool your children, they’ll fail…


Why Christian Children Don’t Belong In Public Schools

Why Christian Children Don’t Belong In Public Schools By Aaron Ames for The Federalist Public education neither teaches nor believes in the transcendentals of truth, goodness, and beauty, the very pillars of the education that built the western world and flow from Christianity itself. Let’s get right to the point: many Christians throughout history shared the idea that God is the fundamental source of all truth, whether religious, academic, or otherwise. But what are we to make of a student who has spent 15 to 20 years studying academics without ever…


Parents have no veto right on LGBT lessons, says Education Secretary, Damian Hinds

Parents have no veto right on LGBT lessons, says Education Secretary, Damian Hinds Staff writer  for Christian Today GNN Note – Why can’t the people redress issues with the Education Secretary? Why can’t the people determine what curriculum will be taught to there children, the future leaders of their community? When did we wake up in a dictatorship? Why not stand up, demand change or rebuke the Education Secretary – throw the person out office? ****** Education Secretary Damian Hinds has said that parents who are unhappy about LGBT lessons…