Spiritual Awareness Video by Pastor Bill Johnson for Bethel Church Video Source
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Are you a highly sensitive person? There are 4 profound brain differences that explain why you feel the way you do
Are you a highly sensitive person? There are 4 profound brain differences that explain why you feel the way you do by: Evangelyn Rodriguez for Natural News GNN Note – I have been told my entire life that I am “too sensitive”. Well, now we know why. I have always been made to believe this is some kind of abnormality and, just a few years ago instead of buying into this lie I actually did a 180 degree turn, completely and absolutely embraced my hypersensitivity. Free of the shackles of concern…
READ MOREBreaking Free of the Lies that Hold Women Captive (Podcast)
Breaking Free of the Lies that Hold Women Captive Podcast – Dr Carol Swain What does it mean to have a transformed life? Transformation is about change, metamorphosis, and alteration. There are millions of people who are hurting and need an intervention into their lives. Should the intervention take the form of a treatment program or something that can lead to a radical transformation that changes them forever? Joining me today to discuss changed lives is Nancy Alcorn. Nancy is the founder of Mercy Ministries rebranded as Mercy Multiplied. Mercy…