REGIME CHANGE now under way in the USA: Biden on the chopping block as intelligence community activates emergency self-preservation actions

REGIME CHANGE now under way in the USA: Biden on the chopping block as intelligence community activates emergency self-preservation actions by: Mike Adams for Natural News Several days ago, fake president Joe Biden called for regime change in Russia, practically begging Russia’s military generals to remove Putin from power. But that hasn’t happened. What’s happening instead is that America’s intelligence community “generals” are now moving against Joe Biden. I received intel over the weekend that the IC (Intelligence Community) three letter agencies had come to the realization that if they didn’t…

The Recognition

The Recognition by James Howard Kunstler The climate change agitation is based on a central grandiose fallacy of our wobbling technocratic age: the idea that if you can measure enough stuff, you can control it. The master-wish in this case is what, exactly? To control the weather? (Which we might define as the day-to-day expression of the planet’s climate?) That ain’t gonna happen. In case you haven’t noticed, the business model of industrial civilization is already broken, and many of its dazzling tricks with it. And, anyway, the earth’s climate…

The Rules of Surviving a Black Market Economy

The Rules of Surviving a Black Market Economy by Fabian Ommar for The Organic Prepper In almost every prepping and survival forum, you will find discussions on bartering in great lengths and details. However, the surge of a black market economy will come long before bartering becomes a thing in most SHTFs. Every prepper seems to have their ideas and pre-planned strategies for bartering when the SHTF. But I don’t see the black market discussed that much, even though it’s a lot more common and even likely in all but the most…

Our System Is Crumbling Right In Front of Our Eyes

Our System Is Crumbling Right In Front of Our Eyes by Daisy Luther for The Organic Prepper Back in January, when the COVID-19 pandemic was beginning to catch globe attention, Selco wrote an article stating, “It’s not the virus you need to worry about. It’s the system.” Virus or illness on itself might not be a problem in its essence, but the impact that it brings to the system and people might be so huge through the media that it causes the system to stop working in the normal way.…

Where We Stand…

Where We Stand… There have been a number of items to hit the wire this morning all painting a picture that points in a very particular direction. It is a direction we love to promote – grow where one is planted. As we dive deeper and our faith grows stronger within, it begins spreading in our state, in our city and in our neighborhood. The Gospel begins, naturally, spreading far and wide right from the point where we stand. As has been written in a previous writing – I do…

Europe Has Been Preparing a Global Gold Standard Since the 1970s

Europe Has Been Preparing a Global Gold Standard Since the 1970s by Jan Nieuwenhuijs for Voima Gold Research reveals that European central banks have prepared a new international gold standard. Since the 1970s, policies that paved the way for an equitable and durable monetary system have gradually been implemented. In my view, the current fiat international monetary system is ending—unconventional monetary policy has entered a dead end street and can’t reverse. I have writtenabout this before, and will not repeat this message in today’s article. Instead, we will discuss a…

SELCO: It’s Not the Virus You Need to Worry About. It’s the System

SELCO: It’s Not the Virus You Need to Worry About. It’s the System by Selco for The Organic Prepper What would you do if one morning in your city you found out that there are confirmed cases of a new illness that rapidly spreads among citizens, and let’s say killed 15 people? What if you saw on Facebook that in your neighborhood, in some mall, for example, a few people passed out and people said it is because of that illness? What if you read in the news that the…

Stories from an SHTF Christmas: SELCO

Stories from an SHTF Christmas: SELCO by Daisy Luther for The Organic Prepper Have you ever thought about what an SHTF Christmas would be like after an end-of-the-world-as-we-know-it event? I’m not talking about a minor issue that just affects a few people, but a full-on disaster that changes everything. Today, we have a first-hand look at what a post-collapse holiday is really like. I interviewed my friend Selco and his answers are really food for thought.  I have learned more about long-term survival from Selco than probably anybody else and have…

The Significance of Prayer

The Significance of Prayer by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network The top 3 elected officials in Virginia are in serious trouble with the people. The blackface scandal, timex 2 and the allegations of sex misconduct for the third official would leave the state with the 4th official in line to take the helm if this plays out the way it should. There should be 3 officials leaving office within the next couple of months. Tucker Carlson spends the first 15 minutes of the opening on February 7 detailing the…