Found Objects, Art and Poetry

Found Objects, Art and Poetry Being on mission in everyday life it is sometimes hard to start the needed conversation that brings Jesus to the fore. Last spring our church did a course about being on mission and how to approach people. What I learned was – it is about our own personal message. Allowing the Holy Spirit, inviting the Holy Spirit to fill the space, provide the words and make the moment come alive in Christ. Talking, writing and meeting people has always been easy for me as it…


Practicing Principals In All Our Affairs

Practicing Principals In All Our Affairs Coming into the Light is not easy. Sometimes we are living in a prison, that we built with our hands, and don’t even realize it until, or if, we are able to escape. If you have never had the opportunity to cry out “Sir, what must I do to be saved?” there are no words to describe what happens and how Jesus appears before you. When you go through the 12 Steps of AA there is no feeling that can even come close to…


Walking According the Spirit

Walking According the Spirit Paul tells us that if we walk according to the Spirit there will be no condemnation in us – we are saved in Christ Jesus. But I do these things not because I want to, but because I am a man in flesh. Do I walk in the Spirit? Does that mean every breath is, every thought is, every action is, every word is for the glorification of God and Jesus Christ? I do the things that do not want to do and don’t do the…


No Good Deed Goes UnPunished

No Good Deed Goes UnPunished How many people have I turned away from or spoken their names in dishonorable ways after they had reached out a hand to lift me up? I can not count the number. As this journey with Christ goes deeper and deeper and the ill-fated ways of my past continually show up in the Gospel it is like a cleansing is taking place. Before when I was doing “Step Work” in AA it was similar but very different. Paul, formerly known as Saul, looks a lot…


From Persecutor To Saved To Miracle Worker

From Persecutor To Saved To Miracle Worker We see one of the greatest, if not the greatest, transformations in human history. Saul, who would be called Paul, was introduced to our world as a murderer of believers. Saul would actually track down believers, as we learned in Romans 7 to bring them back to Jerusalem. On his way to Damascus Paul was, literally, stopped in his tracks by Jesus Christ, filled with the Holy Spirit and saved from the sins of his past. Saul, who became Paul, was slaughtering people…


Not Law But Grace Defines Our Future

Not Law But Grace Defines Our Future It seemed the only way God could get my attention was to place a dream upon my heart and in my mind. God had, literally, sent angels to rescue me, show me what mercy looked like and allowed me to turn away from it. Arrogance and ego are a terrible combination when you have no self esteem. Arrogance and ego are right there to drive the bus and do the bidding. How can anyone see anything when these two knuckleheads are at the…


Making The Law More Powerful

Making The Law More Powerful If I had to earn my way into Heaven by following the law and living a particular way, prior to being born again, I would not make it. I would not make it even today after making very significant changes in my lifestyle and approach to God. Since I have accepted Jesus Christ as my savior and believing my salvation is through His blood I am saved from sin and death. Does this mean I can act in any way I wish? Of course not.…


Is Lying Acceptable?

Is Lying Acceptable? If I tell someone a lie about the Gospel is that acceptable in the eyes of God? If the Kingdom expands and more righteous people come to the Father was the lie I told really a sin? When, if ever, is lying acceptable if we are attempting to spread the Gospel and expand the Kingdom? The only way I can see this – you may see it differently – the only way I can see it and accept it is like this – I can not expect…


Salvation Even for Saul…

Salvation Even for Saul… The dirt and filth that is our lives that we attempt to hide from Our Father can not be hidden, it is fully known. The various mask we wear to show the world “all is well” when our heart continues to harden and the blood in our veins becomes that of bio-sludge. Most people haven’t murdered people for their faith. Most people haven’t traveled from village to village seeking those people of a faith that we disagree looking to end their lives. As we attempt to…


Who Is To Be Baptized?

Who Is To Be Baptized? One of the coolest things I remember from childhood was when I first walked, by myself, down to the local church. I was around 5-6 years old and the church was about 3-4 blocks away. Today my mother would be arrested for child neglect. But the coolest thing and to this day has an impact on my life was the baptismal pool built into the wall of the baptist church. Seeing people baptized was like witnessing grace being poured out on someone’s life. Of course…