How To Forgive?

How To Forgive? As has been stated on several occasions to this point there is, in fact, a manual for life and it is called the Holy Bible. This is “book” explains to those willing to hear how make good choices and how to treat one another. Forgiveness is a center piece of the model for life described within the pages of the Bible. Making amends is a center piece in walking through the Steps of AA. Feeling the pain of others, as our destructive lives rolled over the people…


Humility and Works

Humility and Works When we give to others, be it time, resources and, for me, especially works the sense of God that should fill us is indescribable. This is what others see, Jesus Christ working in our lives, the Holy Spirit using our vessel to do good works. For me, when giving for others it helps to remove my insignificant troubles and replace those thoughts with lifting someone else to God. 2 Corinthians 1 CSB 23 I call on God as a witness, on my life, that it was to…


Eyes of the Heart

Eyes of the Heart A number of years ago I walked into a church for Sunday service and in the seat laid the days program that included the following passage 18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened so that you may know what is the hope of his calling, what is the wealth of his glorious inheritance in the saints, This is from Ephesians 1 CSB. It hit me in such a way that I actually changed the name of my stained glass studio to…


Spreading the Gospel – The Reality of Faith

Spreading the Gospel – The Reality of Faith Before December 6, 2002 my life was completely different. Fighting against the church was my job. When I say church I am not referencing a building on the corner, but the true church – the body of Christ. We, you and I, are the church. When I was fighting against the church it is only by the grace of God that someone didn’t get killed. It is only by the grace of God that I am not in prison. It is only…


Language For All

Language For All Since the advent of email we have seen, particularly in the western world, the destruction of language. This slow motion degradation is now beginning to impact society as a whole. Having a common language is vital to the success and well being of any community, region or nation. If people can not communicate they are lost one from the other. Not only can they not express ideas, needs and emotions they can not discuss the foundation of humanity – God. If we look around we see this…


Love – The Greatest Gift

Love – The Greatest Gift And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love. Is there anything that can be added to or removed from that statement? I’ve now said many times that Paul is quickly becoming a hero to me. He speaks with great wisdom and from a deep love and understanding of our Lord, Jesus Christ. With 1 Corinthians 13 Paul changes everything. He provides, once again, a foundation for a life in Christ well lived. While being a “high bar” to…


Breaking Bread, The Body of Christ

Breaking Bread, The Body of Christ My whole life I have been cautious of whom I shared a meal. It has always been my practice to follow where the Holy Spirit leads. This has been happening for so long that it is not even a thought, a hesitation or anything else – it just happens the way the Holy Spirit has determined as the situation unfolds. I did not understand nor realize this was the Holy Spirit working in my life until just recently. Breaking bread with another person should…


Something So Simple…

Something So Simple… Never allow someone to say they “wished there was a manual / book of life” without pointing to the simple, everyday of the Holy Bible. Something as simple as wearing a hat, head scarf or head-dress is explained. Sometimes it’s a little thing that trips-us-up. Something that we never put much thought into that actually carries a lot more weight than could have ever been previously conceived. I began wearing hats in 1988 and, to this day, wear a hat every time I leave the house. Sometime…


Conscience and Gods’ Sovereignty

Conscience and God’s Sovereignty Actions have consequences. Of course, we want our actions to align with the will of God and not the will of ourselves. Living for God’s glory and living under Gods’ sovereignty takes on a whole other meaning when it comes to breaking bread. Food production is nothing like when Jesus walked the earth nor when the Apostles were spreading the Gospel in years following the Crucification, Resurrection and Ascension. Even when we eat food at home, that we prepare ourselves, the origin of the food, for…


Bring Ones Testimony

Bring Ones Testimony When a person tells “their story” and presents all the good, bad and truly ugly to others there is bond between those that can not be easily removed, forgotten or overlooked. What others hear when someone else tells their story of how Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit pulled them out of the fire and set their feet on solid ground is the story of their own life – not that of someone else. We are basically all the same, the good, bad and truly ugly resides…