Rise Up

Rise Up Do we rise when we want or when we are commanded? What if we are commanded but don’t listen, what if we do that which we hate? Is it free will, God’s will or something altogether different? “Who will deliver me from this body of death?” The demons my brother fought with most of his life finally took his life when he was 47. It was November 12, 2007, after 34 years, he finally lost his battle with heroin. The only good news was the pain had finally…


The Power of The Holy Spirit

The Power of The Holy Spirit We need look no further than the Scriptures, and specifically the Gospels, for the reason why the satanic globalist have sent out their minions to slay upwards of 100,00 Christians annually. If true believers set their sights on Jesus, the teachings of Jesus and follow His word and the stories of the Apostles and Disciples the world will become as Light. The world will change from this wretched place and move a lot closer to the Garden we so long for. Acts 5 NKJV…


Once Blind…

Once Blind… “Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like. I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see.” These words have been sung at thousands upon thousands of funerals. These words were part of the vows I wrote, and read, to my wife on our wedding day. There is so much depth in these handful of words that it seems ashamed they should be primarily sung at funerals. If we believe these words carry the weight people seem to ascribe to…


Making A Declaration

Making A Declaration Standing on the cusp of greatness is a lonely place. Having people challenge the idea doesn’t change the reality, it simply exposes an unbelief in others. The Truth is not interested in acceptance, the Truth just is. We can claim, all we wish, that we know what’s going on, who someone is and judge what they say and do – it merely exposes an unbelief within us. Jesus stood before the elders and community members as they challenged His teachings, His presence and, most importantly, Him. These…


Seek, Ask, Knock

Seek, Ask, Knock What happens if a person begins to seek God? Will they find Him? Will there be barriers placed in the path that keeps God away from an individual? Is the door always open or is shut and we are forced to “knock” for entrance? Later today there will be a group of men that will begin a journey of salvation. These men, while most will be middle aged or older a few will be just coming into adulthood. None of them have any idea what is about…


Collateral Resurrection

Collateral Resurrection by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network Somedays are simply amazing, while others, not so much. Who gets to decide what kind of day they are going to have? Last night was spent in ministry with some gentlemen that I don’t know and they don’t know me. We prayed, laughed, cried, prayed some more and by the end of the hour and half time spent together we drew a little closer to one another. Thursday nights have become a blessing in my life that no words can describe.…


Challenging Jesus?

Challenging Jesus? We read stories everyday where people all around the world step up and challenge Jesus Christ and they know not what they do. Most people when reading these stories are blind to the fact that what they are reading about is not the story itself, but the person or persons within the story challenging God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit or all three at the same time. We are so ignorant – I am so ignorant that I read these stories throughout the day until it becomes a…


Faith, Real Faith, Supernatural Healing

Faith, Real Faith, Supernatural Healing In a great many of us there has been an experience or multiple experiences, where something happened and, at least for a moment, we questioned how, what and who did “that”. It is not a question of “if” it is merely a question of how often. Even more important is our response to the situation that seemingly “just happened out of the blue”. There are a number of stories in the Bible where we learn of healing through faith, Luke 8:43-44, KJV And a woman…


Through Him the World Is Not Condemned but Saved

Through Him the World Is Not Condemned but Saved A slight change in perception can change ones entire outlook on the world. We think we see things in one Light when, in fact, it is intended to be seen from a completely different angle. The deeper the dive the narrow the path, the narrower the path the deeper we allowed to dive. Reaching a point of saturation should be the goal. Why only get half wet or two-thirds? Can we be born of water and Spirit if we are only…


Who Do I Answer To?

Who Do I Answer To? As children we are bound to our parents for guidance, for subtenants and, in some cases, life itself. As we grow, mature and change we develop other relationships and, hopefully, have healthy relationships with other people that fuel our curiosity, our intellect and our love for others. Once we begin utilizing the teachings from our parents we are left with decisions to make based on our own experience combined with what we have learned. If we are fortune enough to be brought up in a…