Rejoicing In Our Brokenness

Rejoicing In Our Brokenness Are we hardwired to celebrate the victorious underdog? If you’re football fan you probably have heard about the Tennessee Titans and their two implausible victories over what were suppose to be superior teams. Well, turns out, having a big heart and working as a Team can do a lot to get a whole group of people up a very steep hill. Isn’t “climbing a hill” another view of redemption? What we find in Luke 15 are several parables in which we see a variety of ways…


Bringing The New Testament to Life

Bringing The New Testament to Life After a short period of time of sobriety and finding myself reading more than I have ever read in my life it became quiet clear that I really liked to read. I loved how the stories would paint pictures in my minds eye and take me places that I will probably never see. Because of the nature of some of what I was reading the stories would take me to places I pray I never see or experience. What happened is it became clear…


Secular vs Biblical World

Secular vs Biblical World What kind of world do you live in – secular or biblical? Do we get to decide or is the decision made for us? Does the fact that I live in the world, as you and I accept it, does that mean I have to live in this world or can I create the world in which God rules and the Lamb is the Light? Only going to Christian retail outlets, spending time with Christians attempting to get closer to God or spreading the Gospel and…


122112 – The Great Change Began?

122112 – The Great Change Began? For those that were paying attention a few years ago, somewhere around 2010, we began hearing stories of the Mayan calendar and the “world coming to end” on 12/21/12. Well, as everyone knows that didn’t happen. The day came and went and here we are today. There were a couple of problems with all the noise surrounding that date and what the Mayan calendar foretold. The calendar, which is in German museum, is broken where in the exact place that was suppose to point…


Community: How We Come To Know God

Community: How We Come To Know God Studying the Word is one thing, living and spreading the Word is an altogether different experience. We can read all we want and have the words on a page create images, scenes and situations in our minds eye all day long, however, when a person begins verbally expressing what the Word has done, or what the Word is attempting to do, with our lives this is when we begin to experience the fullness of God’s joy. If you have been following along for…


Revelation 3 Step

Revelation 3 Step After months of attempting to quit drinking it finally happened. As has been explained on a number of occasions God placed a dream on my heart, reached down for me and now I’m alive. What happened next is explained quiet well in Revelation 18. The ego, false pride, that is one of the enemies greatest weapons, once it is exposed our vision begins to clear and what was once seen as worthy or valuable can be seen in it’s true light. When a person walks through the…


We Shall Praise

We Shall Praise We have recently witnessed people offering the ultimate forgiveness – forgiving those who, literally, murdered a member of their family with the most recent being in a church. Tiffany Wallace reminds us all of what it means to be a Christian “I forgive him, and it’s the hardest thing to say because it’s like, somebody killed your dad, but I forgive him,” Wallace said. “I’ll never forgive what he did, but I forgive him.” Puts everything into proper perspective when it comes to forgiveness. How easy will…


Woe To Their Soul

Woe To Their Soul Currently, we are studying both Revelation and Isiah. Being further along in Revelation paints a picture that shows the interconnectedness of the two books and reveals Isiah’s prophecies as deeply rich visions that confirm John of Patmos’ equally, both strangely different, prophecies. If one see their own life from a realistic perspective the picture should be quiet clear – without God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit our lives are not only off course, but headed for a tragic end that will not be pleasant in…


Torment of A Scorpion

Torment of A Scorpion Tuesday October 8, 2002 – some 17 years ago – I walked into my first AA meeting. I, being filled with false pride and hubris, couldn’t wait to raise my hand, announce my name and state that I am an alcoholic. Letting these other, half-hearted, alcoholics know that a real alcoholic had entered the room was important. They needed to know they were in the presence of a great alcoholic. For the next three months, right up until December 7, 2002, my days were filled with…


From Broken to Healed

From Broken to Healed If you’ve not Isiah it begins with an amazingly harsh proclamation. We are not worthy and if we don’t make it right, immediately, we will struggle to ever be worthy, for we shall be struck down. At least that’s what it sounds like over here. Very grateful for the past life as it is a story of redemption that can be shared with others to show them our God is a God of mercy and grace. If this broken vessel can be repaired and made new,…