Trinity of Teachings

Trinity of Teachings I hope I have this right. After struggling and struggling with Matthew 25 and the one parable, the parable of the talents, I have re-read the entire chapter and believe it is coming clear. We know not when Jesus Christ will return so we are to be prepared at all times. Praise, worship and love are how we prepare. We are patient and keep an ear out for His footsteps. We ensure the Lamp is filled and keep a steady supply of Light by continually refilling our…


A Wealth of Talent

A Wealth of Talent From Merriam-Webster Dictionary Talent: 1a: a special often athletic, creative, or artistic aptitude b: general intelligence or mental power : ABILITY 4 a: any of several ancient units of weight b: a unit of value equal to the value of a talent of gold or silver As life has unfolded before me there have been markers painting a variety of images and illuminating a variety of paths. Since age 5-6 one of  the illuminations has been Jesus Christ while another has been situations. I grew up in…


The Struggle Continues…

The Struggle Continues… This week has been a struggle with my bible study. Reading, asking questions of others and re-reading again and again, the parable of the talents in Matthew 25. On Thursday all the confusion and questions seemed to have been flushed out but here on Friday, not so much with the study of the parable of the labors in the vineyard in Matthew 20. My secular eyes are cloaking the Truth and clouding the Light. Father, help me to understand. Matthew 20 NKJV 1 “For the kingdom of…


A Slippery Slope…

A Slippery Slope… The great deceiver is a master of confusion and planting seeds that need to be continually pulled up by the roots. The problem is, the fallen one, creates slippery slopes that we don’t see so we have no idea they exist. In my daily life, for example, it is not uncommon for a seed of “jealousy” to planted that turns out be “gluttony” or the enemies favorite weapon – fear. When I was just getting sober my sponsor told me over and over there are only two…


Community In Christ

Community In Christ God truly moves in mysterious ways. Three years ago when the news of the day, which is the work that I do, became overwhelming and I turned back to Jesus Christ I had no idea that I would find myself on this path. I wanted relief from some of the stories that I was consuming about organ harvesting, human trafficking and other extremely evil acts perpetrated by humans. I was not searching for these stories, but the enemy kept putting them in my path. I found myself…



Struggling… This parable is really creating a lot of confusion and questions. Judgement, inequality and classes seem to be showing up. If someone could please help me to understand these two verses it would be greatly appreciated. Matthew 25 NKJV 14 For the kingdom of heaven is like a man traveling to a far country, who called his own servants and delivered his goods to them. 15 And to one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one, to each according to his own ability; and immediately…


Trusting Money Changers?

Trusting Money Changers? If you follow my work at all you have an idea that I’m not a fan of the bankers. As we learned in 1 Timothy 6:10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. The bankers certainly have a love of money. Maybe the only time during the stories of the New Covenant in the Bible we see Jesus Christ get violent is when…


What Do You Like / DisLike?

What Do You Like / DisLike? After spending a week with the parable of the prodigal son it is clear Jesus wants our undivided attention and He wanted to leave us with a story that most every person on the planet could relate. Not sure how many people don’t have one, or all, of these characters in their own family. If you’re a human and on this planet, the story of the prodigal son should touch some aspect of your life. The picture painted in this story is such a…


False Pride vs

False Pride vs When I was drunk all the time or whacked on this drug or combination of alcohol and any assortment of drugs you couldn’t tell me anything – I knew it all. It was like that time in our lives between about age 16-17 through approximately 30 years of age – you remember, you knew everything and your parents were, well, let’s say nowhere near as wise as you. Then you woke one morning,  you were past age 30 to realize that maybe, perhaps your parents were maybe,…


Losing It All To Gain Everything

Losing It All To Gain Everything At age 17 I lost my dad to an accident. He had not been in my life for a number of years and when he died I was in the throes of my addiction. My dad was an addict and when he died, as a hero fireman, one his brothers-in-arms found the bottle with Seconal and Valium. I feel confident at least one was in his system. When the dust settled there was a sizable inheritance that was left for me and my two…