Guilty by Association

Guilty by Association When we were children most of our parents warned us about hanging out with the “wrong crowd” or spending time with people of a higher character and attempted to explain the benefits to our lives by following this simple rule. Some followed, some did not and still others played both sides of the story. Isiah 31:2 Yet He also is wise and will bring disaster, And will not call back His words, But will arise against the house of evildoers, And against the help of those who…


He Is Always Faithful

He Is Always Faithful During this unprecedented time in history a great many “things” and situations are coming clear, while others remain hidden. Items that are currently hidden will be revealed in due time, they always have been and always will be, God has promised us He will do this for His children. We run hither and yon only to find we are running to stand still. The past few weeks millions of people, Christian and secular alike, have been faced with having lots of time on their hands. This…


The Spirit of Deep Sleep

The Spirit of Deep Sleep The greatest weapon of the enemy is convincing people that he doesn’t exist. No, there is no ‘devil’ / satan / enemy that’s just a “conspiracy theory”. This allows the enemy refuge in unsuspecting souls until such time as that walking carcass is of use. Then the enemy becomes all too real. Is this where our society is today; is this the channel that has allowed the moral decay and decadence to rise like a cloud of filth over the land? Is today any different…


They Would Not Listen…

They Would Not Listen… Some of you may remember a few years back a man named Bernie Madoff ,who is now imprisoned, for running a $65 Billion ponzi scheme. Drunk with power, drunk with wealth, drunk in the illusion he was committing the perfect crime. His main assistant in this massive crime was a member of the banking cabal, another drunkard, JPMorgan/Chase. If you’ve never heard of a man named Harry Markopolous don’t feel bad, not many have. Mr. Markopolous was responsible for bringing evidence to the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC)…


Hope and Prayer Provide Guidance

Hope and Prayer Provide Guidance When a person is flopping around like a fish out of water, moving from this situation to that situation, usually saturated in a sinful life, there is almost no hope in that persons life. The sad part is, rarely do they even know it or realize how hopeless their situation has become. They endure anyway. As time progresses, as it always does, the misery begins to surface, the heartache is heightened and the pain of suffering transforms a life of blissful ignorance into a life…


Senseless Series of Sprees…

Senseless Series of Sprees… When people work with other people, in the sense of attempting to be a positive voice, a helping hand or a even a caretaker, it’s amazing how similar we humans actually are. The problems this person has or that person has are nothing more than a reflection of the problems we all share. Take for example a person that smokes cigarettes. Their “addiction”, or sin, is obvious to anyone and everyone around them. We all sin in some form, it’s just some sins are more obvious…


Exit / Entrance

Exit / Entrance How many times during our life will we here something to the effect of a “when one door closes another opens”? What if it’s the same door? What if the door before us is both an exit and an entrance? Is that not how doors actually operate? This whole idea reigned down during this “lockdown” that most of the world is experiencing. A lot people don’t even want to go outside of their homes. Most people are simply locked inside, in more ways than one. When we…


Our Love Of People

Our Love Of People What is the most important commandment? Well, according to Matthew 22 NKJV 36 “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?” 37 Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and great commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.” So, on paper, being a…


Jesus, We Love You…

Jesus, We Love You… Imagine all the people repeating this today and everyday. Imagine a world where we would be as one, under the Leadership of the King of kings. Imagine all the people coming to realize that He loved us before we knew Him. John 3:16 NKJV For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. You can say I’m a dreamer…but I’m not the only one. Isiah 28 NKJV 23 Give ear…


Be Still…

Be Still… In 1992 several of us quit our jobs, jumped in our vehicles and headed west. Nine people total, three vehicles and enough gear to start a small community. It was an adventure of a lifetime. We left Nashville headed for the high desert of northern Nevada for the annual Rainbow Family of Living Light Gathering that runs, even to this day, from July 1 through July 5 in a National Forrest somewhere in the U.S. People pray, meditate, do yoga, cook together, live together during this time. It…